Help with restoring old configuration

Hi All,
I am new to openhab2 and installed openhab2 on raspberry pi. I’ve been playing with it for couple of weeks now. I was able to add Network, Astro, Weather and Zwave bindings. I used paperui initially and created my own sitemap, items, things files. It was working fine until I wanted to delete all the unnecessary items/things/links and found a link to clear everything and restarted openhab. Now my zwave and network bindings are not working after a pi reboot.

The commands I used to clear the runtime config are:
497 smarthome:links clear
498 smarthome:items clear
499 smarthome:things clear

After running these command everything disappeared in paperui.

I also tried copying old Things file from /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb/backup folder and restarted openhab but still the zwave and network bindings are not working.

Here are the contents of my current files: (I deleted all the configurations that are working to reduce contents)

$ cat sitemaps/DVAR.sitemap
sitemap DVAR label=“DVAR Home” {
Frame label=“Date” {
Group item=gDate label=“Date” icon=“sun”
Frame label=“Network” {
Group item=gNet label=“Network” icon=“network”

$ cat things/DVAR.things
// ##### Start Astro #####
astro:sun:home [ geolocation=“xxxxx,xxxxx”, interval=60 ]
astro:moon:home [ geolocation=“xxxxxxx,xxxxx”, interval=60 ]
// ##### End Astro #####

// ##### Start NTP #####
ntp:ntp:demo [ hostname="", refreshInterval=60, refreshNtp=30 ]
// ##### End NTP #####

// ##### Start Network #####
network:device:OnePlus3 [ hostname=“”, retry=“1”, timeout=“5000”, refresh_interval=“60000”, use_system_ping=“true”, dhcplisten=“false” ]
network:device:Iphone [ hostname=“”, retry=“1”, timeout=“5000”, refresh_interval=“60000”, use_system_ping=“true”, dhcplisten=“false” ]
// ##### End Network #####


$ cat items/DVAR.items
// ##### Lights #####
Switch Light_MF_Laundry “Laundry” (MF_Laundry) { zwave=“2:command=SWITCH_BINARY” }

// ##### Date #####
Group gDate "sun"
Group D_Date “Today’s Date” (gDate)
DateTime Date “Date [%1$tA, %1$tm.%1$td.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]” (gDate) { channel=“ntp:ntp:demo:dateTime” }
DateTime Sunrise_Time “Sunrise [%1$tH:%1$tM]” (gDate) { channel=“astro:sun:home:rise#start” }
DateTime Sunset_Time “Sunset [%1$tH:%1$tM]” (gDate) { channel=“astro:sun:home:set#start” }

// ##### Start Network #####
Group gNet “Network”
Group gNWO “Oneplus3 Status” (gNet)
Switch OnePlus3 (gNet) { channel=“network:device:OnePlus3:online” }
Number OnePlus3ResponseTime (gNet) { channel=“network:device:OnePlus3:time” }
//Group gNWIphone “Network Iphone”
Group gNWI “Iphone Status” (gNet)
Switch Iphone (gNet) { channel=“network:device:Iphone:online” }
Number IphoneResponseTime (gNet) { channel=“network:device:Iphone:time” }
//Switch Laptop (gNet) { channel=“network:device:Laptop:online” }
// ##### End Network #####

I don’t know how to check the verrsion of openhab but this is what I see when I login:

openHAB 2.0.0-1 (Release Build)

Also, I never got the habmin to work, it only display a blank page with no values when I open the habmin webpage. any help on this will also be greatly appreciated.