Home automation with touchscreen

You might want to have a look into using a cheap tablet and mounting that to the wall.

A Pi plus the screen (and any peripherals) makes things a bit messy.

There are a couple of loooong threads that you will learn lots from

The latter uses a framework called Dashing which is no longer supported and I wouldn’t recommend it. But it might inspire you if you wanted to learn some web skills :slight_smile:

There is an app for iOS Livo on iOS

Here is the LiVi manual, it is pretty feature intensive http://ctrl-h.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/LiVo_2.0_Manual.pdf

Both platforms have very good remotes for Kodi and SqueezeBox. And of course there is HomeKit.

I think it is better to have many ways to control rather than the one. I can pull up a on screen display on the Mac Mini that runs the visual stuff in our house and use a HTTP request to send a command to openHAB, then use the Logitech Harmony, or a switch on the wall, or any phone or tablet (and yes, sometimes Siri).

That is one of the reasons I enjoy openHAB, it really does let you control anything from anything.