Home Connect binding

Hi Jonas.
The binding stops working a few days before. With the refresh token error.
So now i make a new token, save it in paperUI and then it runs?
Greetings, Markus

yes, that’s it

Cool. Thank you very much.
Greetings, Markus

I tried to repair it Thursday evening and failed, but an hour ago I tried again and now it workes :slight_smile:. I noticed a new option “One Time Token Mode” when you login to the developer portal of Home Connect which I have now set on disabled. I presumed first it should be enabled but then it did not work.

@jb4711: Thanks Jonas for your efforts, no problems so far.

Can’t think of another binding, no. Maybe there’s a tool to make it easier for all users that works on all platforms? In the end, you always get a URL that you need to open in a browser to authorize your app, so I guess there’s always some manual steps involved. Thinking about postman or something like that, but way easier…

@Dennis1984120: The default of “disabled” is correct. As the Siemens Support has written, the refresh token can only be used once if you enable this option. The binding wants to reuse the same refresh token every time so you need to leave this on “disabled”.

Working like a charm with my dishwasher!! Many thanks.

As requested already, i would also love to see the error message from the dishwasher if possible.

The Amazon Echo Control Binding provides its own webpages for further information when installed via PaperUi, the initial Amazon Login after installation is also handled this way.
Maybe you could integrate the homeconnect login in a similar manner?

Echo control, Spotify I believe they use oaut as well.

There is actually an oauth library as far as I know

I´ve got the same Problem to get the Token, DrLoop, did you solve it?

thanks JAN, from Oldenburg

Thanks for this addon! Could you or anyone else please provide a small tutorial how to configure it? Maybe we can update the first post then.

What do you think?

I got a home connect developer account, registered an app over there at developer.home-connect.com and got access to a home connect fridge, coffee maker and dish washer. I activated the addon in openhab2 by using karaf. No I’m stuck with the binding configuration in Paper UI - thanks in advance for a few screenshots or text.

Best regards,

Hi Jochen,
for me the Readme in the GitHub Repository is sufficient enough. The way forward is documented very well, I think. I was able to fully configure the Binding along this docu.
See here: Docu in GitHub


Perfect - I wasn’t at the Github-repo before.

Dear Community,

the binding looks great - what are the next steps to get it into the official addon-directory?

Best regards,

Hi Jochen,

I will improve the login process. I try to do it like the Amazon Echo Control Binding does it. I think it is much easier than using curl commands.

Best regards,

Dear Jonas,

why don’t you just add it to the official repo and then we try to get this done together?

By the way, have you had a look into Stefan Foydl’s code - I guess he was able to achieve the auth-procedure, see https://github.com/FanFanEEI/org.openhab.binding.homeconnect ?

Moreover we could strive for adding things which are available in the Home Connect API but not in the simulator, i.e. get the pictures of the fridge cam as a channel.

What do you think?


Hi Jochen,

why don’t you just add it to the official repo and then we try to get this done together?

Ok, then I need to rebase my branch and check if all checks pass. Are you willing to help? That would be great.

By the way, have you had a look into Stefan Foydl’s code - I guess he was able to achieve the auth-procedure, see https://github.com/FanFanEEI/org.openhab.binding.homeconnect ?

Sure, I tried to use it as a base but for a couple of reasons I started from scratch.


Thanks for the invitation - I will help! Please send me an e-mail (jochen.bauer@gmail.com) then we can get in touch.

Dear Jonas,

I downloaded a fresh addons repo and will bring your code in it. Afterwards I try to do the checks and tests and then I will send the PR to the original repo. Once the code is in the main repo we can try to improve a lot of other stuff. Plese keep me posted if you got any problems with this procedure.


I managed to successfully use this binding to monitor my washing machine and dryer, so first I want to say “thank you” for creating this binding.

However the setup included too many manual steps for “ordinary people”. It would be nice if you could it make like the Amazonechocontrol binding. That binding offers a small webside where you are guided through the authentication process without any manual curl requests, just using OAuth to log you in.

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The first CURL step gives me:
“error”: “unauthorized_client”,
“error_description”: “request rejected by client authorization authority (developer portal)”
I have a new client_id that shows active, but I get this error. Any ideas?

And getting the hood and stove working as well would be nice…
