just to confirm that the tool is running fine with the now updated node version v22.
I uploaded the profiles. Regarding the detected channels the result is the same: Washer and dryer are recognized and the status works fine. Hood, hob and oven are generic devices without channels. I guess that’s the expected behavior?
For my needs that’s totally fine, as at the moment the only use case is to let Alexa shout when the laundry needs manual action.
So thank you very much for the nice Christmas present.
For my washing machine the Progress State mostly never reach 100% using the direct binding.
When I compare Washing machine progress state with the cloud binding I see the progress in cloud is always 1 (100%) when the program is completed.
For dishwasher it is working well.
Dryer is always 0%
Hi @jb4711,
this is really a great help as the cloud based binding went sour after the single sign-on change.
I was able to install it without problems for my dishwasher, oven and CookIt (took a while, though).
Some observations and polite requests:
I do have a combined Fridge/Freezer, for which I also got a profile. However, I was not able to even add it as a generic item. Error message se below. Any ideas? In the cloud based binding it worked fine with temparature settings, door state etc.
Also for the oven, the given channels work fine. However, in the cloud based binding I was also able to get the oven temperature, which was quite helpful. Any idea how to add this channel?
Minor hint: In your documentation you use a map file “contact.map”, which is not defined
2025-01-25 19:54:27.936 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'homeconnectdirect:generic:BOSCH-KGF56PI40' changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Connect Timeout
yes, the behavior of the washing machine is the same for me. I took a look at the logic in the “old” cloud-based binding. There is also a fix built in, when the program is “Finished”, the progress is set to 100%. The washing machines simply send it incorrectly. But I will also correct it in the new binding in the next version. Until now, I had always solved it via a rule. But that’s stupid and I’m going to solve it directly in the binding.
rule "Washer reset timer etc."
Item Washer_OperationState received update "Finished"
*** EDIT ***
Using a different thing id for the manually defined items does not seem to work after all. Doing it like this did work for the added channels (in the thing file) but the Channels of the thing defined in the UI did not update anymore…
I have now added the channels in the UI and not defining them in a things file. This seems to work…
I just tried from scratch to add the FridgeFreezer again - and it worked now. For whatever reason. So I now have a generic thing online. However, it only gives me one item “homeconnectdirect:generic:BOSCH-KGF56PI40:buttonVolume”. It would be great to have all the items available as in the cloud based binding:
Nice that it works. Can you please send me the log from the Home Connect Console. Then I’ll implement your channels. I don’t think it should be too much trouble. Just need the log files, otherwise I’ll have to guess too much. Please send me a private message.
I hope this email reaches you. Thanks for your support, highly appreciated!
Enclosed you will find two logs:
The fridge log: I played around with the settings for the fridge and the freezer to provoke (hopefully) all the channels which are available
The oven log: The same here. There are some channels, which are not yet available in your binding. I would be specially interested getting the oven temperature. I did not see the oven temperature in the log, though, even though it is available in the cloud. Surprisingly I found the meat probe temperature (Cooking.Oven.Status.CurrentMeatprobeTemperature), which would be also very interesting to have.