Homekit bundle throwing exceptions on installation

  • Platform information:

    • Hardware: raspberry pi
    • OS: raspbarian
    • Java Runtime Environment: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu Embedded (build 1.8.0_152-b76)
    • openHAB version: 2.5 snapshot
  • Issue of the topic: After upgrading from 2.4 snapshot, where openhab was working well, I’m having issues on the 2.5 snapshot (openHAB 2.5.0~S1587-1 (Build #1587)) with Homekit. Unable to get the homekit bundle installed.

In attempt to clear thing out and start again I’ve

  1. removed the bundle
  2. quit openhab
  3. clean cache, cleaned out the old homekit json files
  4. restart openhab
  5. install bundle - This causes the following errors in the log

07:20:50.592 [WARN ] [.homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl] - Could not find existing MAC in org.eclipse.smarthome.storage.json.internal.JsonStorage. Generating new MAC. This will require re-pairing of iOS devices.
07:20:50.813 [ERROR] [org.openhab.io.homekit ] - bundle org.openhab.io.homekit: (288)[org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl(356)] : The activate method has thrown an exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/i2p/crypto/eddsa/math/Curve at com.beowulfe.hap.impl.HomekitUtils.generateKey(HomekitUtils.java:24) ~[?:?] at com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitServer.generateKey(HomekitServer.java:129) ~[?:?] at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl.initializeStorage(HomekitAuthInfoImpl.java:126) ~[?:?] at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl.<init>(HomekitAuthInfoImpl.java:46) ~[?:?] at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.start(HomekitImpl.java:127) ~[?:?] at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.modified(HomekitImpl.java:89) ~[?:?] at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.activate(HomekitImpl.java:76) ~[?:?] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?]

The bundle then shows in a Waiting state in the bundle:list - and just doesn’t work.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Any suggestions?
System is fully up to date with apt-get at this point.

Thanks all

Please show bundle:list -s.

START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
ID β”‚ State β”‚ Lvl β”‚ Version β”‚ Symbolic name
20 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.publisher
21 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.8.2.v20180104-1110 β”‚ com.google.gson
22 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 18.0.0 β”‚ com.google.guava
23 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 21.0.0 β”‚ com.google.guava
24 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.0.0.v201312141243 β”‚ com.google.inject
28 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.5.5 β”‚ javax.jmdns
30 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.0 β”‚ javax.measure.unit-api
32 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.1.0.Final β”‚ javax.validation.api
34 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.0.1 β”‚ javax.ws.rs-api
35 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.9.2 β”‚ joda-time
36 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.2.0.v201101311130 β”‚ org.antlr.runtime
38 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.2.1 β”‚ org.apache.commons.collections
39 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.1 β”‚ org.apache.commons.exec
40 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.2.0 β”‚ org.apache.commons.io
41 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.6 β”‚ org.apache.commons.lang
50 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.2.4 β”‚ org.apache.karaf.event
65 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream
67 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.12.0 β”‚ org.apache.xbean.bundleutils
68 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.12.0 β”‚ org.apache.xbean.finder
69 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.common
70 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.ecore
71 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.11.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change
72 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
73 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.9.0.v20170207-1454 β”‚ org.eclipse.equinox.common
78 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.11.v20180605 β”‚ org.eclipse.jetty.http
85 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.12.v20180830 β”‚ org.eclipse.jetty.proxy
97 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.11.v20180605 β”‚ org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common
104 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.6.0.v20181130-0903 β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j
105 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.6.0.v20181130-0903 β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc
106 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0518 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtend.lib
107 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0518 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro
108 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0545 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext
109 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0626 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.common.types
110 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0545 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.ide
111 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0545 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.util
112 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0626 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.xbase
113 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0626 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.ide
114 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0518 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib
129 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.9.6 β”‚ org.jvnet.mimepull
131 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 7.0.0 β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.commons
132 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 7.0.0 β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.tree
133 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core
134 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.audio
135 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.auth.oauth2client
136 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.binding.xml
137 β”‚ Active β”‚ 90 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.boot
138 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.core
139 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery
140 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.mdns
141 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.dispatch
142 β”‚ Active β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.xml
143 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.id
144 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.console
145 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.weatherunderground
146 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.console.karaf
147 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.http
149 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.monitor
150 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.net
151 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest
152 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.core
153 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.mdns
154 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.optimize
155 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.sitemap
156 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.sse
157 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.voice
158 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.mdns
159 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.karaf
160 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.core
161 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.item
162 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.item.ide
163 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.item.runtime
164 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.lsp
165 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.persistence
166 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.persistence.ide
167 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.persistence.runtime
168 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.rule
169 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.rule.ide
170 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.rule.runtime
171 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.script
172 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.script.ide
173 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.script.runtime
174 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.sitemap
175 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.ide
176 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.runtime
177 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.thing
178 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.thing.ide
179 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.thing.runtime
180 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.persistence
181 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.scheduler
182 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.semantics
183 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.storage.json
184 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.thing
185 β”‚ Active β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.thing.xml
186 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.transform
187 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.ui
188 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.ui.icon
189 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.voice
190 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.dashboard
199 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.2 β”‚ tec.uom.lib.uom-lib-common
200 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.8 β”‚ tec.uom.se
203 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.provider.swagger
204 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations
205 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core
206 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind
207 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-xml
208 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml
209 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jackson-module-jaxb-annotations
210 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.15.0.OH2 β”‚ com.neuronrobotics.nrjavaserial
211 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.12.1 β”‚ com.squareup.okhttp
212 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.15.0 β”‚ com.squareup.okio
213 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.0.0 β”‚ findbugsAnnotations
214 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.0 β”‚ io.socket.engine.io-client
215 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.0 β”‚ io.socket.socket.io-client
216 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.annotations
217 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.core
218 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.jaxrs
219 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.models
220 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.9.2 β”‚ jackson-core-asl
221 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.9.2 β”‚ jackson-mapper-asl
222 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.19.0.GA β”‚ javassist
223 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.1 β”‚ javazoom.jlayer
224 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 20180813.0.0 β”‚ json
225 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.10.0 β”‚ org.apache.commons.codec
226 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.2.1 β”‚ org.apache.commons.lang3
227 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.3.0 β”‚ org.apache.commons.net
228 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.2.3 β”‚ org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient
229 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.2.3 β”‚ org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore
230 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-httpclient
231 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.2.0 β”‚ org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3
232 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.2 β”‚ org.jupnp
233 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.action.pushover
234 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.amazonechocontrol
235 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.astro
236 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.http
237 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.insteonplm
238 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.mqtt
239 β”‚ Active β”‚ 81 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.mqtt.generic
240 β”‚ Active β”‚ 82 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.mqtt.homeassistant
241 β”‚ Active β”‚ 82 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.mqtt.homie
242 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.nest
243 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.network
244 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.ntp
245 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.sonos
246 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.zwave
247 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.automation
248 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.automation.module.media
249 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.automation.module.script
250 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.automation.module.script.rulesupport
251 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.automation.rest
252 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.compat1x
253 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.upnp
254 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.usbserial
255 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.usbserial.linuxsysfs
256 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.serial
257 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.mqtt
258 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial
259 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial.rxtx
260 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial.rxtx.rfc2217
261 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.upnp
262 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.javasound
263 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.openhabcloud
264 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.webaudio
265 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.persistence.mapdb
266 β”‚ Active β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.transform.map
267 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.basic
268 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.iconset.classic
269 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.paper
270 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.reactor.bundles
271 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.reactor.bundles
272 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.restdocs
273 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.voice.marytts
274 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.9.10.v20160429-1435 β”‚ reflections
275 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.1.4 β”‚ stax2-api
276 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8.v20160511-1038 β”‚ swagger-jersey2-jaxrs
285 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.51 β”‚ bcprov
286 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.1.0 β”‚ net.i2p.crypto.eddsa
287 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.4 β”‚ org.glassfish.javax.json
288 β”‚ Waiting β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.homekit
289 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_com_beowulfe_hap_hap_1.1.4_hap-1.1.4.jar
290 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_com_nimbusds_srp6a_1.5.2_srp6a-1.5.2.jar
291 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_io_netty_netty-all_4.0.32.Final_netty-all-4.0.32.Final.jar
292 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_org_zeromq_curve25519-java_0.1.0_curve25519-java-0.1.0.jar

Problem identified. Badly designed bundles. Working on a fix.

1 Like

Please try

bundle:install mvn:net.vrallev.ecc/ecc-25519-java/1.0.1
bundle:resolve 288
bundle:start 288

And report back if that solves your problem. Thanks.

Getting an error on the bundle install

openhab> bundle:install mvn:net.vrallev.ecc/ecc-25519-java/1.0.1
Bundle IDs:
Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
Unable to install bundle mvn:net.vrallev.ecc/ecc-25519-java/1.0.1: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Error reading bundle content.

Found a link to the the direct jar here

and thought I’d be able to install it as follows, however got an error

bundle:install http://central.maven.org/maven2/net/vrallev/ecc/ecc-25519-java/1.0.1/ecc-25519-java-1.0.1.jar
Bundle IDs:
Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
Unable to install bundle http://central.maven.org/maven2/net/vrallev/ecc/ecc-25519-java/1.0.1/ecc-25519-java-1.0.1.jar: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: OSGi R3 bundle not supported

Argghh. Itβ€˜s not an OSGi-bundle. Iβ€˜ll see what I can do tomorrow.

I downloaded the JAR to the raspberry pi, placed it in the /usr/share/openhab2/addons directory, restarted, and now can see the ecc bundle

openhab> bundle:list |grep ecc
296 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.1 β”‚ ecc-25519-java

I tried to resolve as suggested, it didn’t provide any details, and nothing came up in the log. checking the bundle list again, it’s still showing Waiting.

Next, I tried

  • uninstalling homekit
  • clearing openhab cache
  • restarting openhab
  • reinstalling Homekit from PaperUI.
  • This time installation seemed to work - no errors in the log this time.

17:37:43.981 [INFO ] [rthome.model.lsp.internal.ModelServer] - Started Language Server Protocol (LSP) service on port 5007
17:37:44.064 [INFO ] [eonplm.internal.device.MessageHandler] - SwitchRequestReplyHandler: set device 28.81.9B to OFF
17:37:44.617 [WARN ] [.homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl] - Could not find existing MAC in org.eclipse.smarthome.storage.json.internal.JsonStorage. Generating new MAC. This will require re-pairing of iOS devices.
17:37:46.602 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent ] - Extension 'misc-homekit' has been installed.

Next Steps

  • Using the iPhone Home app, I add an accessory
  • Chose β€œdon’t have a code or can’t scan” and
  • On the next screen OpenHAB is shown in the nearby accessories section.
  • Choose it, select Add Anyway when it tells me it’s uncertified.
  • Enter the setup code.

Unfortunately, It doesn’t work - β€œCouldn’t add OpenHAB”
There are some log entries

17:46:47.622 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
17:46:47.678 [INFO ] [wulfe.hap.impl.pairing.PairingManager] - Starting pair for openHAB
17:46:49.903 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
17:47:10.433 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
17:47:10.663 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Re-creating service due to change in discoverability to false
17:47:12.670 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
17:47:12.701 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
17:47:12.809 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated homekit connection from /
17:47:14.344 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
17:47:14.498 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
17:47:14.686 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
17:47:15.117 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /accessories
17:47:15.334 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Re-creating service due to change in discoverability to true
17:47:17.342 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
17:47:17.360 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pairings
17:47:17.491 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated homekit connection from /

I restarted openhab, and during startup the following was in the log

17:55:32.005 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory openHAB
17:55:32.727 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Michael Garage
17:55:32.730 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Bound homekit listener to /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9124
17:55:32.737 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Advertising accessory openHAB
17:55:32.741 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
17:55:32.745 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
17:55:32.786 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Awning
17:55:32.792 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
17:55:32.805 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Mike Garage
17:55:32.813 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
17:55:32.816 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Master Bedroom
17:55:32.824 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
17:55:32.828 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory TV Room Fireplace
17:55:33.293 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Laundry Room Hallway
17:55:33.317 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
17:55:33.320 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Main Hallway Lights
17:55:33.344 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections

These are all the items I’d expect to see in the home app (and did with the prior version when homekit was working as expected).

  • restarted the home.app on the phone, nothing was shown.
  • tried to add Openhab again
  • same as above, it did not work.

Above in the log, it shows Bound homekit listener to /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9124 Perhaps something with IPv6 vs IPv4? Would it be worth prefereing IPv4 as suggested at https://www.openhab.org/addons/integrations/homekit/#homekit-add-on ?


Yes, I think so.

Adjusted to prefer IPv4 with -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true

I restarted and saw the similar message in the log, but this time with the IPv4 format

08:49:08.063 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory openHAB
08:49:08.887 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Michael Garage
08:49:08.907 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Bound homekit listener to /
08:49:08.911 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
08:49:08.926 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Advertising accessory openHAB
08:49:08.930 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
08:49:08.968 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot ] - Added accessory Awning
08:49:08.976 [INFO ] [mpl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections

Tried adding openHab to the iphone home.app - it didn’t work.
Next, I tried

  • remove homekit
  • restart openhab, clearing out the json config for homekit
  • add homekit
  • try to add again to the phone

No luck, It did not work

09:18:54.120 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
09:18:54.174 [INFO ] [wulfe.hap.impl.pairing.PairingManager] - Starting pair for openHAB
09:18:56.353 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
09:19:06.885 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
09:19:07.148 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Re-creating service due to change in discoverability to false
09:19:09.155 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
09:19:09.208 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
09:19:09.318 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated homekit connection from /
09:19:10.965 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
09:19:11.147 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
09:19:11.312 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
09:19:12.513 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /accessories
09:19:12.815 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Re-creating service due to change in discoverability to true
09:19:14.827 [INFO ] [hap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
09:19:14.842 [INFO ] [hap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pairings
09:19:14.960 [INFO ] [e.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated homekit connection from /

Any suggestions on what to try next?



Did you try fixing the network interface like in the documentation? I don’t use homekit, so just guessing.

I’ve configured via PaperUI, and have set the interface.

I have exactly the same issue and I followed the step explained in this thread. In particular:

  1. I’ve installed ecc placing the jar in /usr/share/openhab2/addons

openhab> bundle:list -s | grep ecc
202 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.3 β”‚ ecc-25519-java

  1. uninstalled homekit
  2. cleared openhab cache
  3. removed all homekit json files from /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb/ and /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb/backup
  4. restarted openhab
  5. reinstalled Homekit from PaperUI.

but during installation I still get previous errors

019-05-12 18:05:34.246 [ERROR] [org.openhab.io.homekit ] - bundle org.openhab.io.homekit: (249)[org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl(257)] : The activate method has thrown an exception
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl.initializeStorage(HomekitAuthInfoImpl.java:126) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl.(HomekitAuthInfoImpl.java:46) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.start(HomekitImpl.java:127) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.modified(HomekitImpl.java:89) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.activate(HomekitImpl.java:76) ~[?:?]
2019-05-12 18:05:34.584 [ERROR] [org.openhab.io.homekit ] - bundle org.openhab.io.homekit: (249)[org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl(257)] : The unsetItemRegistry method has thrown an exception
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitChangeListener.setItemRegistry(HomekitChangeListener.java:82) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.io.homekit.internal.HomekitImpl.unsetItemRegistry(HomekitImpl.java:71) ~[?:?]

Below I’ve pasted my bundle:list -s.

Any idea?


openhab> bundle:list -s
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
ID β”‚ State β”‚ Lvl β”‚ Version β”‚ Symbolic name
20 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.publisher
21 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.8.2.v20180104-1110 β”‚ com.google.gson
22 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 18.0.0 β”‚ com.google.guava
23 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 21.0.0 β”‚ com.google.guava
24 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.0.0.v201312141243 β”‚ com.google.inject
28 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.5.5 β”‚ javax.jmdns
30 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.0 β”‚ javax.measure.unit-api
32 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.1.0.Final β”‚ javax.validation.api
34 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.0.1 β”‚ javax.ws.rs-api
35 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.9.2 β”‚ joda-time
36 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.2.0.v201101311130 β”‚ org.antlr.runtime
38 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.2.1 β”‚ org.apache.commons.collections
39 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.1 β”‚ org.apache.commons.exec
40 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.2.0 β”‚ org.apache.commons.io
41 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.6 β”‚ org.apache.commons.lang
50 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.2.4 β”‚ org.apache.karaf.event
65 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream
67 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.12.0 β”‚ org.apache.xbean.bundleutils
68 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.12.0 β”‚ org.apache.xbean.finder
69 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.common
70 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.ecore
71 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.11.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change
72 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247 β”‚ org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
73 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.9.0.v20170207-1454 β”‚ org.eclipse.equinox.common
78 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.11.v20180605 β”‚ org.eclipse.jetty.http
85 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.12.v20180830 β”‚ org.eclipse.jetty.proxy
97 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.11.v20180605 β”‚ org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common
104 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.6.0.v20181130-0903 β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j
105 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.6.0.v20181130-0903 β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc
106 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0518 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtend.lib
107 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0518 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro
108 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0545 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext
109 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0626 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.common.types
110 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0545 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.ide
111 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0545 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.util
112 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0626 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.xbase
113 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0626 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.ide
114 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190304-0518 β”‚ org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib
129 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.9.6 β”‚ org.jvnet.mimepull
131 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 7.0.0 β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.commons
132 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 7.0.0 β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.tree
133 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core
134 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.audio
135 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.auth.oauth2client
136 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.binding.xml
137 β”‚ Active β”‚ 90 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.boot
138 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.core
139 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery
140 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.mdns
141 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.dispatch
142 β”‚ Active β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.xml
143 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.id
144 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.console
145 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.console.karaf
146 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.http
148 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.monitor
149 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.net
150 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest
151 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.core
152 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.mdns
153 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.optimize
154 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.sitemap
155 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.sse
156 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.rest.voice
157 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.mdns
158 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.karaf
159 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.core
160 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.item
161 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.item.ide
162 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.item.runtime
163 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.lsp
164 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.persistence
165 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.persistence.ide
166 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.persistence.runtime
167 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.rule
168 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.rule.ide
169 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.rule.runtime
170 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.script
171 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.script.ide
172 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.script.runtime
173 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.sitemap
174 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.ide
175 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.runtime
176 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.thing
177 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.thing.ide
178 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.model.thing.runtime
179 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.persistence
180 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.scheduler
181 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.semantics
182 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.storage.json
183 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.thing
184 β”‚ Active β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.thing.xml
185 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.transform
186 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.ui
187 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.ui.icon
188 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.voice
189 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.dashboard
198 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.2 β”‚ tec.uom.lib.uom-lib-common
199 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.8 β”‚ tec.uom.se
202 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.3 β”‚ ecc-25519-java
203 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.provider.swagger
204 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations
205 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core
206 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind
207 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-xml
208 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-yaml
209 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.4.5 β”‚ com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jackson-module-jaxb-annotations
210 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.15.0.OH2 β”‚ com.neuronrobotics.nrjavaserial
211 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.12.1 β”‚ com.squareup.okhttp
212 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.15.0 β”‚ com.squareup.okio
213 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.0.0 β”‚ findbugsAnnotations
214 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.0 β”‚ io.socket.engine.io-client
215 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.0 β”‚ io.socket.socket.io-client
216 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.annotations
217 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.core
218 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.jaxrs
219 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8 β”‚ io.swagger.models
220 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.19.0.GA β”‚ javassist
221 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.1 β”‚ javazoom.jlayer
222 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 20180813.0.0 β”‚ json
223 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.2.1 β”‚ org.apache.commons.lang3
224 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.3.0 β”‚ org.apache.commons.net
225 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.milight
226 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.network
227 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.wifiled
228 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.binding.zwave
229 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.usbserial
230 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.discovery.usbserial.linuxsysfs
231 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.config.serial
232 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial
233 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial.rxtx
234 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial.rxtx.rfc2217
235 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.javasound
236 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.openhabcloud
237 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.basic
238 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.homebuilder
239 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.iconset.classic
240 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.paper
241 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.reactor.bundles
242 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.ui.restdocs
243 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.9.10.v20160429-1435 β”‚ reflections
244 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 3.1.4 β”‚ stax2-api
245 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.5.8.v20160511-1038 β”‚ swagger-jersey2-jaxrs
246 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.51 β”‚ bcprov
247 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0.1.0 β”‚ net.i2p.crypto.eddsa
248 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.0.4 β”‚ org.glassfish.javax.json
249 β”‚ Waiting β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ org.openhab.io.homekit
250 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_com_beowulfe_hap_hap_1.1.4
251 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_com_nimbusds_srp6a_1.5.2_s
252 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 0 β”‚ wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_io_netty_netty-all_4.0.32.

Is that latest snapshot? If so, please uninstall the bundle and remove the library and try the .kar from https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/pull/5581

Thanks for prompt reply! I’m running 2.5.0 build 1589.

I’ve followed your instructions but when I run β€œfeature:install openhab-misc-homekit-test” I’m promptly disconnected from console and after a while I see following logs (no logs before this)

==> /srv/openhab2-logs/events.log <==

2019-05-12 23:24:24.746 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension β€˜misc-homekit-test’ has been uninstalled.

==> /var/log/syslog <==

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-1” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise$2 cannot be found by wrap_file__var_lib_openhab2_tmp_mvn_io_netty_netty-all_4.0.32.Final_netty-all-4.0.32.Final.jar_0.0.0

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(BundleLoader.java:484)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:395)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:387)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:150)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011… 5 more

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-2” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-5” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-3” #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-6” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-8” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-4” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-7” #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-3” #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-1” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-6” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-8” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-7” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-2” Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-3-4” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: Exception in thread β€œnioEventLoopGroup-2-5” #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/concurrent/DefaultPromise$2

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.notifyListeners(DefaultPromise.java:589)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise.setSuccess(DefaultPromise.java:397)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:151)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$DefaultRunnableDecorator.run(DefaultThreadFactory.java:137)

May 12 23:24:25 ambrogio karaf[7072]: #011at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

Looks like the jetty bundle is missing. Do you see it in the Bundle List?

I’ve installed OpenHab using OpenHabian so it should be there. That’s what I see in bundle:list

openhab> bundle:list -s | grep jetty

78 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.11.v20180605 β”‚ org.eclipse. jetty .http

85 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.12.v20180830 β”‚ org.eclipse. jetty .proxy

97 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 9.4.11.v20180605 β”‚ org.eclipse. jetty .websocket.common

is there anything else I should install?

Edit: I’m using a RPi3B+

My fault. Typo. Itβ€˜s missing netty, that should be installed together with the bundle.

I’ve looked around about how to install netty bundle but haven’t found anything usefull. Any hint about how to install it?

Done! Finally I’ve been able to pair my phone through homekit successfully. Here is what I did (for reference):

  1. Copied netty-all-4.1.36.Final.jar in addons directory

  2. Restarted openhab

  3. Checked that Netty was visible in bundle:list
    openhab> bundle:list -s | grep netty
    270 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 4.1.36.Final β”‚ netty-all

  4. Then I’ve run β€œfeature:install openhab-misc-homekit-test” from console, but it didn’t worked, same error as before

  5. Looking in PaperUI I saw that after having copied homekit-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.kar in addons directory and restarted oh2 an new homekit addons was available in β€œmisc”.

  6. Installed it from PaperUI, configured in services, and then everything worked!

Thanks Jan for your help!

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