Homekit: Group:Dimmer:AVG is only exported as a switch


i don’t know if this is an error or just not implemented.

If i try to expose an Group:Dimmer:AVG Item vie the Homekit Plugin i am only seeing a switch iOS.

Here is my item deifnition:

Group:Dimmer:AVG H_Lamps_D "All Lamps Dimmer" ["Lighting"] <dimmablelight>

This seems to be correct, as i can see the following export via http://:9124/accessories:

	"accessories": [{
		"aid": 1,
		"services": [{
			"iid": 1,
			"type": "0000003E-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
			"characteristics": [{
				"iid": 2,
				"type": "00000023-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "Name of the accessory",
				"value": "openHAB",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {69696
				"iid": 3,
				"type": "00000020-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "The name of the manufacturer",
				"value": "openHAB",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 4,
				"type": "00000021-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "The name of the model",
				"value": "",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 5,
				"type": "00000030-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "The serial number of the accessory",
				"value": "none",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 6,
				"type": "00000014-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pw"],
				"format": "bool",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "Identifies the accessory via a physical action on the accessory"
	}, {
		"aid": 534983677,
		"services": [{
			"iid": 1,
			"type": "0000003E-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
			"characteristics": [{
				"iid": 2,
				"type": "00000023-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "Name of the accessory",
				"value": "All Lamps Dimmer",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 3,
				"type": "00000020-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "The name of the manufacturer",
				"value": "none",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 4,
				"type": "00000021-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "The name of the model",
				"value": "none",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 5,
				"type": "00000030-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "The serial number of the accessory",
				"value": "none",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 6,
				"type": "00000014-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pw"],
				"format": "bool",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "Identifies the accessory via a physical action on the accessory"
		}, {
			"iid": 7,
			"type": "00000043-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
			"characteristics": [{
				"iid": 8,
				"type": "00000023-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pr"],
				"format": "string",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "Name of the accessory",
				"value": "All Lamps Dimmer",
				"maxLen": 255
			}, {
				"iid": 9,
				"type": "00000025-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291",
				"perms": ["pw", "pr", "ev"],
				"format": "bool",
				"events": false,
				"bonjour": false,
				"description": "Turn on and off",
				"value": true

I can confirm the issue with openHab 2.1.

Issue is also present in OpenHab 2.3

Still in 2.5 :worried: