HomeKit issue: Accessory already added

Hi Dear Community!

I have been struggling with this issue for long: I want to have siri connected to my OH3. For that started to do the steps written in the documentation but scanning the QR code and adding it to the Home app it always says “accessory already added”. Probably around my first attempts I have added and deleted it and since then I cannot jump over this issue. I have tried to reinstall Home app, delete the home, this is even a new device now that I am trying to install OH3 to - without any success.
Does somebody have a hint on how to proceed?
Thank you in advance!

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Same here.
Already tried to clearParings.

Edit: Restarting my iPhone helped.

What is clearPairings?

Late on this, but for posterity: clearPairings is done via the karaf console, accessed via ssh.

From your instance running OpenHab:

ssh openhab:localhost -p 8081

Default password is “habopen”