Homekit-openhab 2.4

  • Platform information: Raspberry

    • Hardware: pi3
    • OS: Openhabian
    • Java Runtime Environment: JDK8
    • openHAB version: 2.4
  • Issue of the topic: I can pair openhab2 (homekit) but the icon show “unsupported” iOS 12.1.4

  • Please post configurations (if applicable): in attached file.

    • Items configuration related to the issue:
      Switch StrisciaLights “Striscia Lights” (light) [ “Lighting” ]

    • Sitemap configuration related to the issue:
      sitemap cucina label=“Striscia” {
      Frame label=“Striscia” {
      Switch item=Striscia Led

No rules yet

Please can do you help me?

Still the same problem, I tried many settings, this is my log.

2019-03-27 22:31:56.957 [DEBUG] [org.apache.felix.configadmin ] - Found cached configuration org.ops4j.pax.logging bound to ?
2019-03-27 22:31:56.960 [DEBUG] [org.apache.felix.configadmin ] - Explicit Permission; grant configure permission on configuration bound to ? to bundle mvn:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.fileinstall/3.6.4
2019-03-27 22:31:56.990 [DEBUG] [org.apache.felix.configadmin ] - Sending CM_UPDATED event for org.ops4j.pax.logging to [org.openhab.core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller, org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationListener, id=166, bundle=181/mvn:org.openhab.core/org.openhab.core.karaf/2.4.0]
2019-03-27 22:31:56.992 [DEBUG] [org.apache.felix.configadmin ] - Sending CM_UPDATED event for org.ops4j.pax.logging to [org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationListener, id=68, bundle=43/mvn:org.apache.karaf.config/org.apache.karaf.config.core/4.2.1]
2019-03-27 22:31:56.992 [DEBUG] [rg.apache.sshd.common.channel.Window] - waitForSpace(Window[server/remote](ChannelSession[id=0, recipient=0]-ServerSessionImpl[openhab@/])) available: 1046121
2019-03-27 22:31:56.994 [DEBUG] [rg.apache.sshd.common.channel.Window] - waitAndConsume(Window[server/remote](ChannelSession[id=0, recipient=0]-ServerSessionImpl[openhab@/])) - requested=249, available=1046121
2019-03-27 22:31:56.994 [DEBUG] [org.apache.felix.configadmin ] - Sending CM_UPDATED event for org.ops4j.pax.logging to [org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationListener, id=40, bundle=14/mvn:org.apache.karaf.shell/org.apache.karaf.shell.core/4.2.1]
2019-03-27 22:31:56.996 [DEBUG] [ache.sshd.common.io.nio2.Nio2Session] - writePacket(Nio2Session[local=/, remote=/]) Writing 320 bytes
2019-03-27 22:31:56.999 [DEBUG] [ache.sshd.common.io.nio2.Nio2Session] - handleCompletedWriteCycle(Nio2Session[local=/, remote=/]) finished writing len=320
2019-03-27 22:32:00.823 [INFO ] [raf.shell.commands.impl.LogoutAction] - Disconnecting from current session…
2019-03-27 22:32:30.163 [INFO ] [netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xc0a5aa71, /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9124] RECEIVED: [id: 0xbdb3d061, / => /]
2019-03-27 22:32:30.384 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
2019-03-27 22:32:30.443 [INFO ] [ulfe.hap.impl.pairing.PairingManager] - Starting pair for openHAB
2019-03-27 22:32:32.598 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
2019-03-27 22:32:37.537 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
2019-03-27 22:32:37.900 [INFO ] [ap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Re-creating service due to change in discoverability to false
2019-03-27 22:32:39.905 [INFO ] [ap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
2019-03-27 22:32:39.953 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
2019-03-27 22:32:40.102 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated homekit connection from /
2019-03-27 22:32:44.369 [INFO ] [netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xc0a5aa71, /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9124] RECEIVED: [id: 0xdb2d5077, / => /]
2019-03-27 22:32:44.379 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
2019-03-27 22:32:45.405 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
2019-03-27 22:32:45.517 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
2019-03-27 22:32:45.645 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /accessories
2019-03-27 22:32:47.199 [INFO ] [netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xc0a5aa71, /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9124] RECEIVED: [id: 0x09e4164d, / => /]
2019-03-27 22:32:47.213 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
2019-03-27 22:32:47.257 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
2019-03-27 22:32:47.307 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
2019-03-27 22:32:47.354 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /accessories
2019-03-27 22:32:49.381 [INFO ] [netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xc0a5aa71, /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9124] RECEIVED: [id: 0x563b1fb2, / => /]
2019-03-27 22:32:49.392 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
2019-03-27 22:32:49.431 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
2019-03-27 22:32:49.483 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-verify
2019-03-27 22:32:49.617 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /accessories
TnX for your help