Homematic Binding: "Channel not found for datapoint" errors for definitely existing channels


I am facing the same issue with “Channel not found for datapoint”. While everything was working fine, suddenly the warnings showed up and my thermostats failed to set their temperature.
Setting the log level did not change anything:

2019-09-23 22:37:37.496 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (Integer) value '0' for 'OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_TIME' from gateway with id 'ccu'

2019-09-23 22:37:37.511 [WARN ] [ematic.handler.HomematicThingHandler] - Channel not found for datapoint ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_TIME’
2019-09-23 22:37:37.530 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (Integer) value ‘1’ for ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_DAY’ from gateway with id ‘ccu’
2019-09-23 22:37:37.563 [WARN ] [ematic.handler.HomematicThingHandler] - Channel not found for datapoint ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_DAY’
2019-09-23 22:37:37.589 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (Integer) value ‘1’ for ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_MONTH’ from gateway with id ‘ccu’
2019-09-23 22:37:37.604 [WARN ] [ematic.handler.HomematicThingHandler] - Channel not found for datapoint ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_MONTH’
2019-09-23 22:37:37.629 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (Integer) value ‘0’ for ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_YEAR’ from gateway with id ‘ccu’
2019-09-23 22:37:37.646 [WARN ] [ematic.handler.HomematicThingHandler] - Channel not found for datapoint ‘OEQ2636958:4#PARTY_STOP_YEAR’
2019-09-23 22:37:38.610 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (String) value ‘3014F711A0001F98A9AABBDA’ for ‘CENTRAL:0#PONG’ from gateway with id ‘ccu’
2019-09-23 22:37:38.625 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (String) value ‘3014F711A0001F98A9AABBDA’ for ‘CENTRAL:0#PONG’ from gateway with id ‘3014F711A0001F98A9AABBDA’
2019-09-23 22:37:51.782 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (String) value ‘ccu’ for ‘CENTRAL:0#PONG’ from gateway with id ‘3014F711A0001F98A9AABBDA’
2019-09-23 22:37:51.803 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (String) value ‘ccu’ for ‘CENTRAL:0#PONG’ from gateway with id ‘ccu’
2019-09-23 22:37:52.601 [DEBUG] [ommunicator.AbstractHomematicGateway] - Received new (Integer) value ‘1’ for ‘OEQ2636589:4#CONTROL_MODE’ from gateway with id ‘3014F711A0001F98A9AABBDA’

I also tried what has been suggested here Cleaning up the startup process / renaming rules (windows possible) (the prefered variant).

Is there anything else I can try? Can I provide any additional information?