HomeMatic Binding - Control multiple thermostats with Group

Hi There,

I’ve got two rooms with multiple thermostats. They are together in a Group in CCU3. When I’m changing the temperature of one thermostat manually all others will change.

Now I wan’t to have this behavior with openhab.

I have the following thing configured:

HM-CC-VG-1   INT0000001  "Versammlungsraum Heizungssteuerung" @ "Versammlungsraum"

And it provides the channels:


Actual Temperature is providedbut SET_TEMPERATURE ist UNDEF. When changing SET_TEMPERATURE it doesn’t have an effect on the thermostats.

What could be wrong in my setup? Or will I have to update all thermostats one by one?


If you remove the Group and try to control a single thermostat does SET_TEMPERATURE work? Also are you using PaperUI only for configuration?

Also you may want to try and set a delay of 4 seconds in Set Temp config.