Homematic Datapoints

Hey guys,

I searched the web and the openhab forum about a list or a documentation file for the various Homematic device datapoint and channels. But I wasn’t able to find anything beside the very basic eq3 document about the datapoints (Link). Would be nice to have a description for the Homematic binding datapoints… and what they do or describe.

Thank you guys.

Kind Regards,


In your Link are ALL Datapoints … what you need more ?

Unfortunately not. There are a lot more in the openhab Homematic binding :confused:

In my opinion, the datapoints are pretty self-explanatory.

What are your questions?

No, how could there be more in Openhab Binding than “phylical” in the device?

Give an example of what’s in the Openhab Binding, which you will not find in the documentation.

For example there is no Maintenance channel in the documentation.

What is the Maintance Channel? What you mean? A Channel for Device Properties?

You are talking about these? (I’m using homegear, so the maintenance channel may differ from the CCU2.)

  • Battery Type …:0#BATTERY_TYPE (String)
  • Central Address Spoofed …:0#CENTRAL_ADDRESS_SPOOFED (String)
  • Config Pending …:0#CONFIG_PENDING (Switch)
  • Delete Device …:0#DELETE_DEVICE (Switch)
  • Delete Device Mode …:0#DELETE_DEVICE_MODE (String)
  • Device In Bootloader …:0#DEVICE_IN_BOOTLOADER (Switch)
  • Firmware …:0#FIRMWARE (String)
  • Inhibit …:0#INHIBIT (Switch)
  • Niedriger Batteriestatus …:0#LOWBAT (Switch)
  • Rssi …:0#RSSI (Number)
  • Rssi Device …:0#RSSI_DEVICE (Number)
  • Rssi Peer …:0#RSSI_PEER (Number)
  • Signalstärke …:0#SIGNAL_STRENGTH (Number)
  • Sticky Unreach …:0#STICKY_UNREACH (Switch)
  • Unreach …:0#UNREACH (Switch)
  • Update Pending …:0#UPDATE_PENDING (Switch)

I’m using:

  • RSSI

Most of them are simple except maybe:

  • Central Address Spoofed …:0#CENTRAL_ADDRESS_SPOOFED (String) => the spoofed central address
  • Delete Device …:0#DELETE_DEVICE (Switch) => delete the device?
  • Delete Device Mode …:0#DELETE_DEVICE_MODE (String) => device is getting deleted
  • Device In Bootloader …:0#DEVICE_IN_BOOTLOADER (Switch) => device is in bootloader mode
  • Inhibit …:0#INHIBIT (Switch) => no idea what is inhibited
  • Update Pending …:0#UPDATE_PENDING (Switch) => an update is pending, maybe a pre state of #UNREACH?

@Max_Bec, I don’t see much use of those with openHAB, but i’m interested what you would like to achieve with these datapoints.

For example I would like to know whats the difference betweens these 4 datapoints.
Its not like there is a specific plan on what to do with these items… but rather the desire after having a kind of complete documentation on the home gear (which I use as well) datapoints.

But as it seems there is nothing like that :wink:

Rssi: overall rssi
Rssi device: in direction from device
Rssi peer: in direction from peer (base) .
Signal strength: same as rssi, but in the range 0-4, matches the widely used “bar” unit for mobile devices :smiley: