How big is your system? (NO HELP NEEDED) {CHAT}

  1. about 80 ZWave and 30 other radio devices plus a number of smart devices (such as TV, AVR, mower, ventilation unit,…), about 600 items
  2. three years as well (started when we`ve done a major house extension)
  3. current count is 4818, including some non-production code. I like ‘verbose’ programming style, though, plus I’m too lazy to do anything about it.
  4. See this post and my recent presentation linked to here (scroll down a bit).
  5. trying to get the system to be more stable and reliable (fix OH, rule and config bugs)
  6. overall yes, but ‘liking’ is an ongoing, constantly changing thing, and every new feature sets a new standard.
  7. stopped counting at 5k€, probably 7k€ altogether now. But that’s including 2 robots, several lights and other stuff.
    But hey, just as @vossivossi said: it would have been 20+k€ in KNX (let alone in an old house), and after all it’s just for fun.
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