- about 80 ZWave and 30 other radio devices plus a number of smart devices (such as TV, AVR, mower, ventilation unit,…), about 600 items
- three years as well (started when we`ve done a major house extension)
- current count is 4818, including some non-production code. I like ‘verbose’ programming style, though, plus I’m too lazy to do anything about it.
- See this post and my recent presentation linked to here (scroll down a bit).
- trying to get the system to be more stable and reliable (fix OH, rule and config bugs)
- overall yes, but ‘liking’ is an ongoing, constantly changing thing, and every new feature sets a new standard.
- stopped counting at 5k€, probably 7k€ altogether now. But that’s including 2 robots, several lights and other stuff.
But hey, just as @vossivossi said: it would have been 20+k€ in KNX (let alone in an old house), and after all it’s just for fun.
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