How can I add an (Auto/Manu) switch to a Rollershutter?

I am running openhab 2.2 on a Windows 10 system with Homematic Actors for light, heating and rollershutters, window sensors and also some sensors for temperarture, energy and motion. Hue lights, Anel switch

The rollershutters in Homematic are two channel actors with short and long buttton press which lead to up/down complete or up/down for the time the button is pressed. All rollershutters are part of a group and I can cycle through all members of this group to bring them up or down.
Now I would like to add a switch for each rollershutter, which will be preset e.g. in the sitemap. If the switch is OFF (or Manu) than the rollershutter won’t be active in the rules and can only be moved up/down with the buttons in sitemap or the real buttons on the wall.

I have been thinking about giving the switches almost the same names as the rollershutters like:

Rollershutter Roll_EG_WoZi_1 "R WoZi 1 W"      <rollershutter> (EG_Wohnen, RoWo) {channel="homematic:HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM:hmHR:LEQ1023052:1#LEVEL"}
Switch          ll_EG_WoZi_1 (Roll_Auto_Manu,Roll_Auto_Manu_Wo)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) Roll_Auto_Manu    "Auto All [(%d)]"  <rollershutter> //Auto on/off für Rolllaeden
Group Auto_Roller  //dyn Gruppe mit allen Rollershuttern auf Auto

And in the rule just add the missing name part in the name, but this is what I fail to do.

rule "Roll_Auto_Manu"
when Item Roll_Auto_Manu received update  
  Auto_Roller.members.forEach[ item | Auto_Roller.removeMember(item)]
  Roll_Auto_Manu.allMembers.filter(s | s.state == ON).forEach[ item | Auto_Roller.addMember(item)] 

So I would like to manipulate item = “Ro” +

How can I do this?

Does that answer your question?

Actions are useful when the name of the Item is only available as a String. For example, if the name of the Item to receive an update or command was calculated in the Rule by building up a String:

val index = 5
sendCommand("My_Lamp_" + index, ON)

Hello Stefan, thanks for your help. I solved the task with using an action for the rollershutters skiping the dynamic group. For those who want to solve similar problems:

Number Roll_Auswahl  "Rollladen Auswahl"  

I am selecting the rollershutter scenarios.

  val String ro = "Ro"

  if (Roll_Auswahl.state==0) Roll_Auto_Manu.allMembers.filter(s | s.state == ON).forEach[ item, i |  createTimer(now.plusSeconds(i*3), [ | sendCommand( ro +,"0")] ) ] // Alle die auf Auto stehen hoch versetzt um 3s
  if (Roll_Auswahl.state==1) Roll_Auto_Manu.allMembers.filter(s | s.state == ON).forEach[ item, i |  createTimer(now.plusSeconds(i*3), [ | sendCommand( ro +,"100")] ) ]// Alle die auf Auto stehen runter versetzt um 3s

This might be even better, than using dynamic group.