How should bindings appear in the Paper UI?

@rlkoshak I’ll have to spin up the 1.0 VM and get back to you on that one, but basically upon installing it, all the bindings were spitting out errors and I couldn’t get as far as I could with 2.0. I read through some relevant Github issues and community discussion, and when considering modifying the binding myself ran into discussion (InsteonPLM support for 2477SA1 Insteon Load Controller Relay) about the 1.x build tree not being viable any longer, which led to me definitively move to 2.0.

The 2.0 UI would only seem to work with Hue, Z-wave, and Pioneer bindings (that I’ve tried so far). But my issues with 2.0 aren’t really functional so much as my understanding of the interface, or the lack thereof. If it’s the case that I need to use 1.0-style configs for most of the bindings, do I add devices manually in a flat file? Even then, I’m not sure I have any concept of how I would interact with them (command line?). Hence my comment about going to 1.0 to learn how that worked originally. To me, the modalities used in 2.0 are not comprehensible with my lack of 1.0 experience (which may be a prerequisite to even thinking of using 2.0 betas).

But with @RHINESEL’s clarification about the config file requirement, perhaps my re-re-reading of the 1.0 and 2.0 docs will be more fruitful. I just can’t seem to get past having the binding properly configured in its config file. It’s not at all clear what, if anything, OH is capable of doing for me with that step complete.