How to build a WS2812B LED strip with ESP8266 NodeMCU?

I’ll throw my design out there: The Kube - ESP8266 NodeMCU WS2812 MQTT LED Controller by bkpsu - Thingiverse - it uses bruhAutomation’s MQTT LED controller code ( GitHub - bkpsu/ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs: ESP MQTT Digital LEDs for openHAB, MQTT JSON Light Component. Supports flash, fade, transitions, effects, and OTA uploading! ) with some minor mods I made to make it work with no flicker on the faster WS2812 chips (code changes and hookup explained on my Thingiverse page)

I also created a breakout board for the NodeMCU and an enclosure, to dress it all up and make it easier to assemble - I love the NodeMCUs and use them all over the house. Write up post: