How to connect nest 3 through openhab 1.x

I hope to link the nest thermostat via ophenhab 1. X.

############################## Nest binding ###########################################

Data refresh interval in ms (optional, defaults to 60000)


HTTP request timeout in ms (optional, defaults to 10000)


the Nest Client ID needed to use the API, must be supplied


the Nest Client Secret needed to use the API, must be supplied


the PIN code that Nest presented when you authorized the above client, must be supplied


I saw “NEST APP” on the NEST thermostat .It gives me an ID of seven digits. I don’t know if this will help me.

What is your question in english?

Sorry, I made a mistake about the previous question.

You want to hide those pin codes and secrets. Now I could control your nest!

I don’t know how to link nest by these parameters right now.
What Settings do you need to do in nest?
In addition, I have modified pin codes and secrets.
