How to convert DSL in JavaScript for HUE-Dimmer via Blockly

First … thanks to @rlkoshak and @ysc (who answers to my “old” thread

I rewrote my Blockly component to the following (based on some examples I found in this forum … thx to the authors)

uid: HUE_fading
tags: []
  parameters: []
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Jan 2, 2022, 8:58:59 PM
component: BlockLibrary
  name: Block Library c107d09908
    - component: BlockType
        type: HUE_fading
        message0: HUE brightness [%] %1 within [ms] %2 with Thing %3
        lastDummyAlign0: right
          - type: input_value
            name: BRIGHTNESS
          - type: input_value
            name: FADIING_TIME
            text: some text
          - type: input_value
            name: THING_ID
        previousStatement: ""
        nextStatement: ""
        inputsInline: false
        colour: 0
        tooltip: ""
        helpUrl: ""
          - component: BlockCodeTemplate
              template: >
                {{utility:things}}.getActions('hue',{{input:THING_ID}}).fadingLightCommand('color', {{input:BRIGHTNESS}}, {{input:FADIING_TIME}});
    - component: UtilityJavaType
        name: things
        javaClass: org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Things

Also my Rule was modified to this to excute the new component only once

This all generates the following code which look good for me:

var dimTime, brightness;

var things = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Things');

dimTime = 2500;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('Mod_20_EG_WC_Relais2_Hue_Brightness').getState() == 'ON') {
  if (itemRegistry.getItem('HUEWC_Helligkeit').getState() == '0') {
    print('Brightness = 0 --> ramp up to 100% ');
    brightness = 100;
  } else {
    print('Brightness <> 0 --> ramp downto 0%');
    brightness = 0;
  things.getActions('hue','hue:group:02648f68d9:14').fadingLightCommand('color', brightness, dimTime);
} else if (itemRegistry.getItem('Mod_20_EG_WC_Relais2_Hue_Brightness').getState() == 'OFF') {
  print('Relais released --> stop dimming and freeze brightness');
  events.sendCommand('HUEWC_Helligkeit', itemRegistry.getItem('HUEWC_Helligkeit').getState());
print('* Exit Rule ----------------------------------------');

But the call of this Rule will results again in:

==> openhab.log <==
2022-01-03 19:11:18.466 [ERROR] [e.automation.internal.RuleEngineImpl] - Failed to execute rule 'aaaa': Fail to execute action: 2

From my point of view (well, a less educated guess), the JS code looks good - I got back

var things = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Things');

But when I look to the action I’m not shure if the quotes at ‘hue’, the thing-ID ‘hue:group:02648f68d9:14’ and '‘color’ too are correct. Is there a significant difference between ’ and " ?

  things.getActions('hue','hue:group:02648f68d9:14').fadingLightCommand('color', brightness, dimTime);

If yes it would be easy to change ‘hue’ to “hue”, but I don’t know how to change this for the thing-ID :unamused: … but maybe this is not the problem.

When we look at the error message … “fail to execute action: 2” … is here a usefull hind burried? My assumption is, that the fadingLightCommand has a problem. In the HUE Binding discription the parameters brightness and dimTime has special types … could this be a problem?