How to 'createTimer' and 'Timer.cancel' when item change state?

Dear Udo,

thanks for your help - I get the feeling, I´m getting closer to my goal… :slight_smile:

I have modified it accordingly:

var Timer extended_timer
var Timer unusual_timer


var SLEEP_TIME = 10

rule "Garage Door open for unusual period of time closes door and sends notification"
    Item zwave_device_XXX_node104_sensor_binary changed 
    if (zwave_device_XXX_node104_sensor_binary.state == ON) {  //Door is open
        if(extended_timer!=null)  //timer already exists, for whatever reason, so cancel it
        extended_timer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(EXTENDED_GARAGE_DOOR_TIME_SECONDS)) [| //start timer for extended message
            pushover("Garage door has been open for an extended period of time")  //message is sent if timer expires
        if(unusual_timer!=null)  //timer already exists, for whatever reason, so cancel it
        unusual_timer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(UNUSUAL_GARAGE_DOOR_OPENED_SECONDS)) [| //start timer for unusual period message
            pushover("Garage door has been open for an unusual period of time.  Door has been automaticaly closed")  //message is sent if timer expires
            // closedoor.sendCommand(ON) 
    else {  //Door is already closed, so cancel both timers
        unusual_timer = null
        extended_timer = null

For whatever reason, I still get the notified after the defined period of time, independantly if the door has been closed or not.

Any other thoughts? I checked various options and “played around” with timers but all of them didn´t work…

Thanks for your help - its a hard time!


Hi community,

not sure if anyone else has an idea how to solve my issue? Keep on being notified - the rule doesn´t work…

Any advise and tipps are highly appreciated!

Kind regards,


I think your rule is missing a few if clauses to check door state after the timer expires. Now it just sends a message and nothing else.


Hi Miika,

any ideas what is wrong? I have no clue… Tried many options, also the ones mentioned in the forum…

Please help…


Here is the clue. I already said it:

…to check door state after the timer expires.

Your rule triggers when something happens at the door. After that it checks if the door is open. Then it starts a timer. When timer expires it sends a message. Nothing more. Add and if-clause after both timers to check door state. Something like:

if ( door.state == CLOSED ) {
    timer = null
    break; // this line is for the first timer only when you want to stop
           // rule execution and not get the later message if the door is closed
else {
    send message()

( I’m on my mobile phone so hard to give final example but I think you’ll get the idea)


I read the whole topic through and to me it seems that you want someone to write the whole rule for you. Please don’t understand me wrong here because I’m not trying being rude. I just want to point out that reading docs and searching this forum most likely you’ll find the answear yourself and at the end of the day you have a working rule and have learned something new :wink:

No, the timer should be canceled by the rule instantly when the door is closed.

Please change the var definition:

var Timer extended_timer = null
var Timer unusual_timer = null


val int SLEEP_TIME = 10

As the three constants are, well… constant, they should be defined as constants (val vs. var) and it’s a good idea to set this to integer as well.
The timers should have an explicit default value either.

To ensure the rule works as expected, I would suggest to add a logInfo to the else part of the rule:

else {  //Door is already closed, so cancel both timers
        logInfo("myrules","Garage Door timers are canceled.")
        unusual_timer = null
        extended_timer = null

This log line should appear in openhab.log the moment the door is closed.

Ok @Udo_Hartmann, you are right. I think my example would be in place if the rule triggers only from ON state. Sorry for any confusion.

Could you explain what is the difference between timerX.cancel and timerX=null? should we use both for destroying that timerX or any of those will do?

timerX.cancel will cancel the timer if it currently waiting to run.

timerX = null just sets the variable timerX to null. The Timer that timerX used to point to will still be scheduled to run and will still run at the scheduled time.

You must use cancel to destroy the timer. Setting it to null can be optional. However most of use use if(timerX != null) to tell if there is a Timer currently scheduled to run in which case it is not optional.

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Thanks @rlkoshak, sheds some light.

So my take would be that I will always use timerX.cancel - as I understand this in effect will make a null of timerX.

Is there an obvious case where I should timerX=null? I understand that with this I plainly lose control of the actual timer. So I can reuse pointer timerX to create and manipulate next timer? But usecase does not come easy.

Incorrect. It just stops the Timer pointed to by timerX from executing. If that Timer has already executed the cancel will do nothing. But it will not set timerX to point to null. That is why you have to explicitly call timerX = null.

If you depend on any test for timerX === null you MUST call timerX=null.

Here is a simple alert when a door is left open for 5 minutes

var timer = null

rule "Timer rule"
    Item MyDoor changed
    if(MyDoor.state == OPEN){
        // a Timer isn't already running
        if(timer === null) {
            timer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(5), [|
                // send alert

                timer = null // rest the timer variable so we know the timer is no longer running
    else if(MyDoor.state == CLOSED){
        timer?.cancel // cancel the timer if it is running
        timer = null
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Now perfectly clear, thanks! @rlkoshak you are great help!

Would something like this work to cancel the notification as the door was closed before the timer ran out?

rule "Garage Door Sensor opened"
    Item garageDoorContact changed from CLOSED to OPEN
    sendBroadcastNotification("Garage Door " + triggeringItem.state.toString)
    if (triggeringItem.state == OPEN) GarageDoor_Timer.sendCommand(ON)  // Start timer
    else GarageDoor_Timer.postUpdate(OFF) // Cancel the timer

rule "Garage Door Sensor closed"
    Item garageDoorContact changed from OPEN to CLOSED
    sendBroadcastNotification("Garage Door " + triggeringItem.state.toString)  // for testing then should remove... 
    GarageDoor_Timer.postUpdate(CLOSED) // Post a closed upadate, hopefully to cancel the timer session???

rule "Garage Door Timer"
    Item GarageDoor_Timer received command OFF
    logInfo("Garage Door ", "Opened for 10 min.")
    sendBroadcastNotification("Garage Door OPEN for 10 minutes")

Uh, that depends on your definition of the item GarageDoor_Timer, but from what I see here, is that you use both OFF and CLOSED, which is not very intuitive to say the least.

I assume that the timer item looks like this:

Switch GarageDoor_Timer { expire="10m, command=OFF" }

In your first rule you don’t need the if ,else clause because your trigger is changed from CLOSED to OPEN, triggeringItem.state will always be OPEN

rule "Garage Door Sensor opened"
    Item garageDoorContact changed from CLOSED to OPEN
    sendBroadcastNotification("Garage Door " + triggeringItem.state.toString)
    GarageDoor_Timer.sendCommand(ON)  // Start timer

In your second rule, you need to send an OFF update to stop the timer

rule "Garage Door Sensor closed"
    Item garageDoorContact changed from OPEN to CLOSED
    sendBroadcastNotification("Garage Door " + triggeringItem.state.toString)  // for testing then should remove... 
    GarageDoor_Timer.postUpdate(OFF) // Post a closed upadate, hopefully to cancel the timer session???

Third rule is fine.

You could combine your 2 first rules into one:

rule "Garage Door Sensor opened"
    Item garageDoorContact changed
    sendBroadcastNotification("Garage Door " + triggeringItem.state.toString)
    if (triggeringItem.state == OPEN) {
        GarageDoor_Timer.sendCommand(ON)  // Start timer
    } else {
        GarageDoor_Timer.postUpdate(OFF) // Cancel timer


If the door opens and closes within 5 min will the third rule ever fire?

I don’t want it to, only if its open for more than 10min.


No, GarateDoor_Timer will only receive an OFF command when it expires


Interesting but I’ve added the following in the cancellation rule…as you need to cancel a running and not terminated timer but thanks for the Code, ive used it and worked well…just adapted with the below

if(garagedoor2Timer === null || garagedoor2Timer.hasTerminated)
garagedoor2Timer.cancel() //Terminate timer if door is closed before the timer ends


There’s a “cheat” for that
The ? does magic, if variable null will just skip. Otherwise, issues cancel.

Thanks for the update! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve ended up with the working following code to cancel, especially that a simple re-initiation to Null was needed for the rule to run properly in the next cycle. I am actually monitoring a smaller door with shorter close / open period!

rule “Cancel telegram Notification | Garagedoor 2 open for 30 min.”
Item Power changed from ON to OFF
logInfo(“notifications”, “Fridge Closed”)
if(garagedoor2Timer === null || garagedoor2Timer.hasTerminated)
logInfo(“notifications”, “Returning”)

logInfo("notifications", "reschedule")
//garagedoor2Timer.cancel() //Terminate timer if door is closed before the timer ends
garagedoor2Timer = null
