How to delete a Jython rule or to change its trigger configuration


I am just about to convert my openhab rules to jython script.
Does anyone know how to remove a registered rule from the rule registry, or how to change the trigger configuration of a rule?
I already tried the following:

testRule = TestRule()
rule = automationManager.addRule(testRule) 

rule_registry = get_service("org.eclipse.smarthome.automation.RuleRegistry")

However, the referred rule remains in the rule registry and is not being deleted.
Any help is highly appreciated.

1 Like

could you try rule_registry.remove(rule.getUID()) ?

Hi everyone,

I’m facing the same issue now. So far I learned that

… so the one helps in adding, the other in retrieving and removing.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
import sys


from core import osgi
ruleEngine = osgi.get_service("org.openhab.core.automation.RuleManager") or osgi.get_service("org.eclipse.smarthome.automation.RuleManager")

from core.log import logging, log_traceback
from core.rules import SimpleRule
from core.triggers import CronTrigger

def logOut(text):

strPath = ";".join(sys.path)
logOut("System path: " + strPath )
logOut("Python version: " + sys.version )
logOut("Check element 'automationManager': Type '%s' and Dir=%s" % ( str(type(automationManager)), str(dir(automationManager)) ) )
logOut("Check element 'rules': Type '%s' and Dir=%s" % ( str(type(rules)), str(dir(rules)) ) )

def outputCurrentRules( filter = ""):
    logOut("*** Current rules registered with OH (%d items):" % (len(rules.getAll())))
    logOut("UID\t\t\t\t\t#Trigs\tTrig1\t\t\t\tName & Description")
    x = False
    for rl in rules.getAll():
      x = True
      t = ""
      for p in rl.getTriggers()[0].getConfiguration().getProperties():
        if (len(t)>0):
          t = t + ", "
        t = t + str(p) + "->" + rl.getTriggers()[0].getConfiguration().get(p)
      if (len(filter) == 0) or (rl.getUID() == filter): 
        logOut("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t:\t%s" % (rl.getUID(), len(rl.getTriggers()), t, rl.getName(), rl.getDescription()))

class TestRuleRemoval(SimpleRule):
    _UID = None
    _rl = None
    _callbackFn = None

    def _dtToCron( self, dt ):
        # cron: sec. min hour day month weekday
        return str(dt.second) + " " + str(dt.minute) + " " + str(dt.hour) + " " + str( + " " + str(dt.month) + " * ?"

    def __init__(self, title, dt, callbackFn ):
        self.triggers = [ CronTrigger(self._dtToCron(dt)).trigger ] = "RuleRemoval " + title
        self.description = "Blablabla"
        self.tags = set("S2E")
        self._callbackFn = callbackFn

    def execute(self, module, inputs):

def callbackOne():
    logOut("Test 1 called")

myUID2 = ""
def callbackTwo():
    logOut("Trying to remove rule with UID " + myUID2 )
    outputCurrentRules( filter = myUID2 )
    logOut("**************** And all rules..." )
    outputCurrentRules( )

# Test 1: add it and then remove it
logOut("*************** TEST 1" )
startTime = + timedelta(seconds=5)
myTest = TestRuleRemoval( "Test 1", startTime, callbackOne )
myUID1 = automationManager.addRule(myTest).getUID()
logOut("Rule added with UID " + myUID1 )
outputCurrentRules( filter = myUID1 )
logOut("Trying to remove rule with UID " + myUID1 )
outputCurrentRules( filter = myUID1 )

# Test 2: let it remove itself on activation
logOut("*************** TEST 2" )
startTime = + timedelta(seconds=6)
myTest2 = TestRuleRemoval( "Test 2", startTime, callbackTwo )
myUID2 = automationManager.addRule(myTest2).getUID()
logOut("Rule added with UID " + myUID2 )

Results in…

2019-12-09 23:16:42.964 [INFO ] [rt.internal.loader.ScriptFileWatcher] - Loading script 'python/personal/'
2019-12-09 23:16:43.012 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - System path: /etc/openhab2/automation/lib/python;/etc/openhab2/automation/jsr223/python;/etc/openhab2/automation/jython/Lib;/etc/openhab2/automation/jython/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar/Lib;__classpath__;__pyclasspath__/
2019-12-09 23:16:43.014 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Python version: 2.7.0 (default:9987c746f838, Apr 29 2015, 02:25:11) [OpenJDK Server VM (Azul Systems, Inc.)]
2019-12-09 23:16:43.019 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Check element 'automationManager': Type '<type 'org.openhab.core.automation.module.script.rulesupport.shared.ScriptedAutomationManager'>' and Dir=['__class__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__ensure_finalizer__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', 'addActionHandler', 'addActionType', 'addConditionHandler', 'addConditionType', 'addPrivateActionHandler', 'addPrivateConditionHandler', 'addPrivateTriggerHandler', 'addRule', 'addTriggerHandler', 'addTriggerType', 'class', 'equals', 'getClass', 'hashCode', 'notify', 'notifyAll', 'removeAll', 'removeHandler', 'removeModuleType', 'removePrivateHandler', 'toString', 'wait']
2019-12-09 23:16:43.059 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Check element 'rules': Type '<type 'org.openhab.core.automation.internal.RuleRegistryImpl'>' and Dir=['__class__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__ensure_finalizer__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', 'add', 'addRegistryChangeListener', 'added', 'all', 'class', 'equals', 'get', 'getAll', 'getByTag', 'getByTags', 'getClass', 'getProvider', 'hashCode', 'notify', 'notifyAll', 'remove', 'removeRegistryChangeListener', 'removed', 'stream', 'toString', 'update', 'updated', 'wait']
2019-12-09 23:16:43.068 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - *************** TEST 1
==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2019-12-09 23:16:43.081 [thome.event.RuleAddedEvent] - Rule '1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f' has been added.
2019-12-09 23:16:43.081 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f updated: UNINITIALIZED
2019-12-09 23:16:43.083 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f updated: INITIALIZING
2019-12-09 23:16:43.085 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f updated: IDLE
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2019-12-09 23:16:43.087 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Rule added with UID 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f
2019-12-09 23:16:43.090 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - *** Current rules registered with OH (18 items):
2019-12-09 23:16:43.092 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - UID					#Trigs	Trig1				Name & Description
2019-12-09 23:16:43.098 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f	1	cronExpression->48 16 23 9 12 * ?	RuleRemoval Test 1	:	Blablabla
2019-12-09 23:16:43.101 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Trying to remove rule with UID 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f
2019-12-09 23:16:43.103 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - *** Current rules registered with OH (18 items):
2019-12-09 23:16:43.106 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - UID					#Trigs	Trig1				Name & Description
2019-12-09 23:16:43.110 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f	1	cronExpression->48 16 23 9 12 * ?	RuleRemoval Test 1	:	Blablabla
2019-12-09 23:16:43.113 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - *************** TEST 2
==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2019-12-09 23:16:43.120 [thome.event.RuleAddedEvent] - Rule 'f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c' has been added.
2019-12-09 23:16:43.121 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c updated: UNINITIALIZED
2019-12-09 23:16:43.121 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c updated: INITIALIZING
2019-12-09 23:16:43.121 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c updated: IDLE
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2019-12-09 23:16:43.130 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Rule added with UID f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c
2019-12-09 23:16:48.083 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Test 1 called
==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2019-12-09 23:16:48.088 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f updated: RUNNING
2019-12-09 23:16:48.088 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f updated: IDLE
2019-12-09 23:16:49.118 [.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent] - f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c updated: RUNNING
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2019-12-09 23:16:49.119 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - Trying to remove rule with UID f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c
2019-12-09 23:16:49.122 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - *** Current rules registered with OH (19 items):
2019-12-09 23:16:49.124 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - UID					#Trigs	Trig1				Name & Description
2019-12-09 23:16:49.126 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c	1	cronExpression->49 16 23 9 12 * ?	RuleRemoval Test 2	:	Blablabla
2019-12-09 23:16:49.130 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - **************** And all rules...
2019-12-09 23:16:49.133 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - *** Current rules registered with OH (19 items):
2019-12-09 23:16:49.135 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - UID					#Trigs	Trig1				Name & Description
2019-12-09 23:16:49.142 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - f586b1a3-3431-43ce-8461-cde3418c563c	1	cronExpression->49 16 23 9 12 * ?	RuleRemoval Test 2	:	Blablabla
2019-12-09 23:16:49.167 [INFO ] [S2E.Examples                        ] - 1d8859b6-cbac-49d5-9995-d66834ddfb2f	1	cronExpression->48 16 23 9 12 * ?	RuleRemoval Test 1	:	Blablabla

So I cannot remove the dynamically added rule. This was already reported in [JSR223-Jython] Simplified rule definition (similar to Rules DSL) and universal decorator but it seems that it was not solved in this thread.

I tested the rules.remove method with a rule created in PaperUI and there, it worked :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m running out of ideas (and nerves). In JSR223 Jython Create a Temporary Rule, CrazyIvan just used remove - why is mine not working? Same here: JSR233 jython rule dynamic triggers.

In any case thanks for hints!

For rules not created though scripted automation, use this…


For rules created in scripted automation, use this…


I’ll get this added to the helper library docs. Here is some explanation…


Thanks a lot, Scott!

This now works fine in a module…

from core.jsr223 import scope
ruleRegistr = scope.ruleRegistry



For a module, it would be a little cleaner like this…

from core.jsr223.scope import scriptExtension
from core.jsr223.scope import ruleRegistry


:grin: yep… Thanks!!!