I have the same issue that I can’t exclude nodes again since I migrated to openhab 3.2.
When I click on the “Exclude Devices” button on my Z-Wave controller thing configuration the following REST action is executed (all HTTP headers and the network key removed in the listing):
curl 'http://homeautomation.local:8080/rest/things/zwave:serial_zstick:primary-controller/config' \
-X 'PUT' \
--data-raw '{"controller_softreset":"false","security_inclusionmode":0,"controller_sisnode":1,"heal_enable":"true","controller_sync":true,"port":"/dev/ttyAMA0","controller_master":"true","inclusion_mode":"1","controller_wakeupperiod":3600,"heal_time":2,"controller_exclude":true,"controller_inclusiontimeout":30,"controller_hardreset":false}' \
As the response the following error message is returned:
{"message":"Cannot update Thing zwave:serial_zstick:primary-controller as it is not editable.","http-code":409}
Additionally, I put the z-wave binding into log level DEBUG. But there isn’t any message about this exclusion action.
What exactly means the the controller is not editable? How can I made the controller editable?
Thanks for your help!