How to integrate Daikin Altherma LT heat pump?

Thank you so much!
It worked.

Now I am trying to build a rule:

WHEN HotWaterTank POWER receives command ON
THEN check repeatedly if TankTemperature >= Target Temperature
IF TRUE send command OFF to HotWaterTank POWER


In case I would buy a Daikin altherma, could this integration work in a “Solar mode”?
Could the system somehow modulate based on the incoming solar generation? Or it’s just on/off mode?

Thanks for your answer.

Hello all,

posting this here, as this audience may be interested. I started drafting an Binding based on the information here which connects openHAB with the JSON/WebSocket interface provided by the original LAN-Adapter. I got this to the point that the outdoor temperature is accessible in openHAB. If there is interest I can provide this a patch to the openhab-addons repository (or some other form).
As the JSON/WebSocket interface is indeed quite limited I may not have the motivation to develop this into a “production” grade binding. The plain Java coding is not so much the issue but the integration into the openHAB ecosystem seems to be a more steep learning curve.

Best regards,


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