How to open a websocket server end point?


i’ve started to develop a new binding for EEBus. The spec requires that every SHIP node has to listen on a websocket for incoming requests.
I tried this with a class annotated with “javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint” and but it seem that there is no endpoint create by the embedded Jetty.

@ServerEndpoint(value = "/ship")
public class EEBusWebSocket {
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EEBusWebSocket.class);

    public void onConnect(final Session session, final EndpointConfig epConfig) {
        logger.warn("New session: " + session.getRequestURI().toString());

    public void onMessage(final String message, final Session session) {
        logger.warn("Message: " + message);

How can i open a websocket server end point?

Best regards