How to send percentage from rule to Fibaro FGR-223 roller shutter 3


My apologies if I am repeating the question but I couldn’t find satisfactory answer yet.
Version: OH2 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT
I have successfully added Fibaro FGR-223 roller shutter 3 module and it works as expected with UP/STOP/DOWN button in PaperUI/Android app.
However, I wish to create a rule or button with percentage value(0/25/50/75/100) to send the positioning to FGR-223.
I also want to view the position of the shutter, for eg. how much is it open/close?

I tried alot but couldn’t get it working.

Any help is appreciated!

YourItem.sendCommand(50) //for 50 percent

Create a rollershutter item in your items file, put a selection element on your sitemap.

Selection item=YourItem label="Rollershutter" mappings=[15="15",25="25",35="35",45="45",55="55",65="65",75="75",85="85",95="95"]

Rollershutter itemtype as item, switch element type on your sitemap.

I created the rule and it works but for any percentage it opens/closes completely.
I tried command you mentioned but either the shutter completely opens or closes. It doesn’t stop at 50% or somewhere in between.
Parameter 20: is 2(single switch)
Parameter 150: is 1 “roller blind”

You may be affected by a firmware bug of that device:

I think so. Thanks for the reference. I will wait for the fix.

Please note that the devices firmware needs not be fixed, not openHAB :grinning:
You need to either buy a HomeCenter gateway from Fibaro or send the device to Fibaro to get firmware updates a soon as those are available.

But please first set the zwave binding to debug and check if you get incoming values for percentage. Plenty of posts around here on how to do that.

Yeah, that was going to be my next question. I read the other threads as well and understand that this is an issue in the device and needs a newer firmware. Unfortunately the only way to upgrade the firmware for Fibaro is via HomeCenter(if I am not wrong).

Yeah, I will do this first.

@sihui, can you guide me to reference on how to do this?
I see everytime 0% or 100% now when I debug. I want to be sure that I am following the correct method.

Do I need to link an item also to “scene_number” in the fgr223 and send it percentage value for position?

If that is what the device is sending you probably are affected by a firmware bug.

Set the zwave binding to debug, take your log and feed it through the log viewer.

No, scene_number channel is for scenes, not for positioning:

This parameter determines which actions result in sending scene IDs assigned to them.

Available settings:
1 – Key pressed 1 time
2 – Key pressed 2 times
4 – Key pressed 3 times
8 – Key hold down and key released

Default setting: 0

I discovered FGR-223 but my OpenHab discver them as Dimmer not as blind control, so I’m not able to set stop command. I was able to define UP and DOWN command, but not STOP command.
Can you share your files .item and .sitempas?

Which version of Zwave binding are you using? I’m using “org.openhab.binding.zwave-2.5.0.M1.jar”

Delete the Thing and readd it.

also my OH discover them as dimmer, and that is the issue, because dimmer can not allow to send a stop command, but just to set a percentage of value to open/close the shutter.

I’ve also old FGR model, the FGR222, it was discovered as RollerShutter and we can send up/down/stop commands.

The channel was changed from dimmer to blinds_control a while ago, please update to the latest zwave snapshot binding and delete the Thing and readd it.

Where can I download the last zwave binding? I’m used to get from here

I did the Update as folllows:

openhab> bundle:list|grep -i zwave
240 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding
openhab> bundle:update org.openhab.binding.zwave
openhab> bundle:list|grep -i zwave
240 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding

I prefer to use 3 predefined positions of the lamellas (50% = open, 75% = half closed, 100% = closed)

Item definition:

Group:Rollershutter gJal_WZ “Jalousien Wohnen”
Group:Rollershutter gJal_Lam_WZ “Jal-Lamellen Wohnen”
Rollershutter Jalousie_WZ_Sued “Jalousie Wohnen Süd” (gJal_WZ,gJalSued) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node19:blinds_control1” }
Rollershutter Jal_Lamellen_WZ_Sued “Jal-Lamellen Wohnen Süd” (gJal_Lam_WZ,gJalLamSued) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node19:blinds_control2” }
Rollershutter Jalousie_WZ_West1 “Jalousie Wohnen West 1” (gJal_WZ,gJalWest) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node20:blinds_control1” }
Rollershutter Jal_Lamellen_WZ_West1 “Jal-Lamellen Wohnen West 1” (gJal_Lam_WZ,gJalLamWest) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node20:blinds_control2” }
Rollershutter Jalousie_WZ_West2 “Jalousie Wohnen West 2” (gJal_WZ,gJalWest) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node21:blinds_control1” }
Rollershutter Jal_Lamellen_WZ_West2 “Jal-Lamellen Wohnen West 2” (gJal_Lam_WZ,gJalLamWest) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node21:blinds_control2” }
Rollershutter Jalousie_WZ_West3 “Jalousie Wohnen West 3” (gJal_WZ,gJalWest) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node22:blinds_control1” }
Rollershutter Jal_Lamellen_WZ_West3 “Jal-Lamellen Wohnen West 3” (gJal_Lam_WZ,gJalLamWest) { channel=“zwave:device:88190bb8:node22:blinds_control2” }

sitemap definition:

Switch item=gJal_WZ mappings=[UP=“Hoch”, STOP=“Stop”, DOWN=“Runter”]
Switch item=gJal_Lam_WZ mappings=[50=“Offen”, 75=“halb zu”, 100=“zu”]
Switch item=Jalousie_WZ_Sued label=“Jalousie Wohnen Süd [%d %%]” mappings=[UP=“Hoch”, STOP=“Stop”, DOWN=“Runter”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jal_Lamellen_WZ_Sued label=“Jal-Lamellen Wohnen Süd” mappings=[50=“Offen”, 75=“halb zu”, 100=“zu”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jalousie_WZ_West1 label=“Jalousie Wohnen Tür West 1 [%d %%]” mappings=[UP=“Hoch”, STOP=“Stop”, DOWN=“Runter”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jal_Lamellen_WZ_West1 label=“Jal-Lamellen Wohnen Tür West 1” mappings=[50=“Offen”, 75=“halb zu”, 100=“zu”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jalousie_WZ_West2 label=“Jalousie Wohnen West 2 [%d %%]” mappings=[UP=“Hoch”, STOP=“Stop”, DOWN=“Runter”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jal_Lamellen_WZ_West2 label=“Jal-Lamellen Wohnen West 2” mappings=[50=“Offen”, 75=“halb zu”, 100=“zu”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jalousie_WZ_West3 label=“Jalousie Wohnen West 3 [%d %%]” mappings=[UP=“Hoch”, STOP=“Stop”, DOWN=“Runter”] icon=“rollershutter”
Switch item=Jal_Lamellen_WZ_West3 label=“Jal-Lamellen Wohnen West 3” mappings=[50=“Offen”, 75=“halb zu”, 100=“zu”] icon=“rollershutter”

which looks like this in the WEB-Browser … can be controlled quick and easy:

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Is the position issue as well referring to lamella tilt position not being configurable? Do I need a item definition/sitemap for that or can it be configured in the paper UI as well?