How to Setup OpenHab Developing Environment on Windows 10

I am new to the openHab system. And I just want to know how to setup the Developing environment on windows 10 and eclipse. And what OSGi Framework does Openhab use (Eclipse equinox/Apache Felix or what??). And do i need to learn how to use Apache Karaf??

What exactly do you want to do? Use Openhab and create rules or develop a new binding? In both cases it should not be necessary to get deeper knowledge of Karaf.

@J-N-K I am trying to build my own rule engine on top of openhab

Thatā€™s quite a lot of effort. What is missing in the existing rule engines? Wouldnā€™t it be better to improve those? Otherwise you need to follow the instructions for setting up a OpenHAB core IDE.

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This is the Whole Concept i am trying to do the post is written by me How to start developing on top of openHab + Developing My Own Rule Engine if you would kindly see it. And secondly, where can I get the instructions on setting up OpenHab Core IDE??

Basically you can follow the instructions here and donā€˜t clone openhab2-addons but openhab-core.

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@J-N-K i did and i followed the steps and i cloned openhab-demo and openhab-core and build them with maven. imported them to eclipse and now i am stuck i dont know how would i run the core and see the openhab interface or is there something missing yet?

The demo repo is not using karaf.
Did you click ā€œrun OSGiā€ in the bndrun file interface?

@David_Graeff I ran the app.bndrun and run OSGi button but is gave me failed to parse javaserverlet error and i want to know how when running the demo it gets related to the openhab-core??

Hi @MHGanainy
try the new version of the (temporary) guide for setting up the Eclipse IDE here:
it works for me on Windows10.


Thank you for your response but i think this is for developing the addons but in fact i want to develop on the openhab-core