How to update OH2 on Synology?

I’m using this script when I want to upgrade to the latest snapshot (this is the refered URL in the command WGET)
This command tell which package to download. In this case, the latest successfull build of the OH2 online distro. But you can change this URL if you prefer the offline distro or what ever version of OH2.

I’ve recently and sucessfully used it with the new “disruptive” updates of OH2 like:

To be complete, I’ll update the script to clear tmp and cache.

Regarding your question to integrate this upgrade script in the syno package, it would really be a good point. However, @cniweb is managing the syno package and as far as I know, the syno package is not yet u-pt-odate with OH2 B4 version or latest version. I guess @cniweb is working on it but don’t hesitate to introduce your request on