How to upgrade openhab-alexa lambda service to latest version?

I am running openhab-cloud on a cubietruck.
openhab-alexa is running on a lambda server in AWS.
This was setup beginning of this year.
It ( openhab-alexa ) is running with Node.js 8.10
AWS announced one has to migrate from Node.js 8.10 to 10.X.

How to safely upgrade from Node.js 8.10 to 10.X ?
Is there any possibility create a backup of lambda 8.10 to be able to restore in case of problems ?
Does anyone have a guide on how to do the upgrade ?

thanks in advance

We already added node.js 10.x to the skill testing environment. So it is 100% compatible. At this point, we are just waiting for the ASK-CLI to update the default version to 10.x when first deploying the Lambda function.

For existing users, you can safely update your Lambda function version to 10.x in the AWS console. This will be the recommended solution at this point.

As a side note, you can technically update your node.js 8.10 Lambda function until February 3, 2020.

Hi Jeremy,
thanks for your reply.

As far as I remember I am on V2.
Does this:

For existing users, you can safely update your Lambda function version to 10.x in the AWS console.

mean that I need to follow the instruction that is explained at GitHub - openhab/openhab-alexa: openHAB skill for Amazon Alexa ( steps 1 … 3 ) ?
Or does update in the AWS console mean something different ?

If you are still on V2, follow the update instructions based on the link you referenced, making sure to update the necessary files in step 2. The ASK-CLI will create a node.js 8.10 function on the initial deployment. Once that completed, you can change the Lambda function to node.js 10.x and you should be all set. For any subsequent skill updates, the ASK-CLI will keep the node.js version you have selected. Keep in mind that, you will need to use the --force parameter on the next deployment after making the version change.

today I did the update. So far it went smooth.

With regard to

I need to come back again. I though I once saw a web interface where I was able to select and switch between different node.js versions. Today this is not possible in the AWS console. Does this mean Amazon changed the web interface or do I have to switch to node.js 10.x in a different way ? If yes, how can this be done ?


I am not sure where you are seeing that. To change the node.js version, using the AWS console, you have to go into the configuration of the Lambda function that was created by the skill and select the 10.x version from the runtime dropdown menu. Don’t forget to save after making that selection.

Thank you. Was my mistake. I mixed up the Skill and the AWS console.
Everything works as epxected.

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