How to use REST in the paper ui

my group is to develop a rights management for paper ui.
We have a simple login and register function for rest.

Now we want to send this rest command from a login.html with a button and a simple form.
What must we do ?

I insert in service.min.js already some code…

}).factory('authService', function($resource, restConfig) {
    return $resource(restConfig.restPath + '/auth', {}, {
        login : {
            method : 'POST',
            url : restConfig.restPath + '/auth/login',
            params : {
                username : '@username',
                password : '@password'
            register : 'POST',
            url : restConfig.restPath + '/auth/register',
            params : {
                username : '@username',
                password : '@password'

Please, we need much help to understand this project.