Howto make a rule thats somthing on for x time when a value is reached


I use Openhab 2.

I have a moister sensor in my bathroom, when the moister exceeds a certain value i want to turn on the fan for x time.
How can i do this.

Even bether, if the moister is raised within 5 minutes by x% then the fan needs to be turned on for x time.

val maxHumidity = 50
val int fanTime = 10

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item Bathroom_Humidity changed
    if(Bathroom_Fan.state != ON) {
        if(Bathroom_Humidity.state as Number > maxHumidity) {
            createTimer(now.plusMinutes(fanTime), [| Bathroom_Fan.sendCommand(OFF) ])

You need Persistence installed and configured to store Bathroom_Humidity.

val deltaPercent = 0.05 // 5%
val int fanTime = 10

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item Bathroom_Humidity changed
    if(Bathroom_Fan.state != ON) {
        val pastHum = Bathroom_Humidity.historicState(now.minusMinutes(5)).state as Number
        val currHum = Bathroom_Humidity.state as Number

        if(pastHum < currHum) {
            val delta = currHum - pastHum

            if(delta / pastHum > deltaPercent) {
                createTimer(now.plusMinutes(fanTime), [| Bathroom_Fan.sendCommand(OFF) ])

If it were me, I’d want the fan to stay on until a desired humidity has been reached or a maximum amount of time has past with it on.

Switch Bathroom_Fan { expire="10m,command=OFF" } // add your Channel links and other options
val maxHumidity = 50
val hysteresis = 2

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item Bathroom_Humidity changed
    if(Bathroom_Humidity.state as Number > maxHumidity) {
        if(Bathroom_Fan.state != ON) Bathroom_Fan.sendCommand(ON)
    else if(Bathroom_Humidity.state as Number < maxHumidity - hysteresis) {

hysteresis keeps the fan from rapidly turning on and off if the humidity is right around maxHumidity.


Your last options looks good, but the humidity is not always the same. so there shoud be some kind of delta precent like in the second example.

is there a posiblitiy to build in the last example a max. run time ?

Again, this is just me, but if the room humidity were less than a threshold, I wouldn’t want to turn on the fan even if someone is taking a shower. But I live in a very dry area where it is a struggle to keep the humidity above 30% in the first place.

The last example already has a max runtime. That is what the expire does. If the humidity gets above maxHumidity the fan turns ON. The fan will stay on until the humidity drops below maxHumidity-hysteresis or 10 minutes pass ,which ever comes first.

ok, now i understand. maybe what you are doing in the last example is not that bad .
but i have some errors when loading the rule

val maxHumidity = 50
val hysteresis = 2

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item esp_douche_hum changed
    if(esp_douche_hum.state as Number > maxHumidity) {
        if(Douche.state != ON) Douche.sendCommand(ON)
    else if(esp_douche_hum.state as Number < maxHumidity - hysteresis) {

and the error, what is wrong ?

2018-01-10 21:17:41.496 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'fan.rules'
2018-01-10 21:17:41.569 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'fan.rules' is either empty or cannot be parsed correctly!
2018-01-10 21:17:41.942 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'fan.rules' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [11,58]: missing '>' at '-'

Probably need to put the subtraction into parens.

else if(esp_douche_hum.state as Number < (maxHumidity - hysteresis)) {

then i get these errors, i tryed it already

2018-01-10 21:48:47.023 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'fan.rules'
2018-01-10 21:48:47.109 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'fan.rules' is either empty or cannot be parsed correctly!
2018-01-10 21:48:47.615 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'fan.rules' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [11,59]: mismatched input '-' expecting ')'
[11,72]: no viable alternative at input ')'

That should work. Force it to treat the variables as Numbers:

val Number maxHumidity = 50
val Number hysteresis = 2

Stil the same error, do i need to install somthing else.
in the previous post you mentioned that i have to install Persistence, is this nessecary and how to do this.

You don’t need anything extra for this.

This makes no sense but I don’t have time to figure out why it doesn’t work.


val maxHumidity = 50
val minHumidity= 48

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item esp_douche_hum changed
    if(esp_douche_hum.state as Number > maxHumidity) {
        if(Douche.state != ON) Douche.sendCommand(ON)
    else if(esp_douche_hum.state as Number < minHumidity) {

Thanks for helping so much.

But this isn’t helping it looks like my rules aren’t exapting the less then sign <
if i changed that in > my rule file is accepted.

pretty strange, can’t find through google a solution for that. so if someone nows the anwser feel free to share.

Solved it, but in my items file the fan isn’t stopping after x time.
maybe i did something wrong, so any advise would be welcome.

Switch Douche "Douche ventilator" <fan> {mqtt=">,ajg:/Esp_vent/gpio/12:command:ON:1],>[ajg:/Esp_vent/gpio/12:command:OFF:0],[expire=1m,>[ajg:/Esp_vent/gpio/12:command:OFF:0]"}

What solved the error?

This very malformed syntax.

See for how to properly format the MQTT binding stuff.

See for how to properly format the Expire binding stuff.

Make sure you have installed the Expire binding.

At first glance you are missing the opening [ after your first > in the config string and you are trying to mix the expire and MQTT binding configs.

Because humidity is already a number, i don’t have to use as number. thats the way i solved it.

val maxHumidity = 65
val minHumidity= 3

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item esp_douche_hum changed
    if(esp_douche_hum.state > maxHumidity) {
        if(Douche.state != ON) Douche.sendCommand(ON)
    else if(esp_douche_hum.state < (maxHumidity-minHumidity)) {
         if(Douche.state != OFF) Douche.sendCommand(OFF)

For the MQTT part, my standard MQTT line worked, but i don’t know where to put the expired part.
that’s my problem, i can’t get that information from one of the wiki pages.

That doesn’t make much sense either. If the state is already a Number then the as Number would do nothing. It shouldn’t break the code. Very strange.

Example straight from the Expire binding docs:

Contact MotionSensor "MotionSensor [%s]" { http="<[http://motion/sensor:60000:JSONPATH($.state)]", expire="30s,state=CLOSED" }

Notice how the expire binding is on its own and there is a comma separating the http binding config and the expire binding config.

[quote="ageurtse, post:14, topic:38526, full:true"]

For the MQTT part, my standard MQTT line worked, but i don’t know where to put the expired part.
that’s my problem, i can’t get that information from one of the wiki pages.

i think i figurd it out by myself, by try and error.
and it looks like it is working, also instsalled the expired binding.

this is what i now have.

Switch Douche "Douche ventilator" <fan> {mqtt=">,ajg:/Esp_vent/gpio/12:command:ON:1],>[ajg:/Esp_vent/gpio/12:command:OFF:0]",expire="20m,command=OFF"}

This part is still wrong. It must be {mqtt=">[ajg

That must be a typo, thats why the switch in the gui is working. and the actual fan runing in high speed.

How should I write a rule for the fan to run for 10 minutes and stop for 50 minutes?

@rlkoshak - Hi Rich,
Im trying to use your rule example as above…but it seems the " if(pastHum < currHum)" isnt working due to the currHum var containing the %

I thought the ’ as Number" would strip this?

My test rule:

val int fanTime = 10

rule "Turn on fan"
    Item HumidSensor_OfficeFridge changed
    if(AeonModule_MainBathFan.state != ON) {
        val pastHum = HumidSensor_OfficeFridge.historicState(now.minusMinutes(5), "influxdb").state as Number
        val currHum = HumidSensor_OfficeFridge.state as Number
        logWarn("MainBathFanRule", "VarInfo PastHum : " + pastHum )
        logWarn("MainBathFanRule", "VarInfo Current : " + currHum )
        if(pastHum < currHum) {
            val delta = currHum - pastHum
            logWarn("MainBathFanRule", "Checkpoint1 : " + delta)

            if(delta / pastHum > deltaPercent) {
                logWarn("MainBathFanRule", "Starting Fan")
                createTimer(now.plusMinutes(fanTime), [| AeonModule_MainBathFan.sendCommand(OFF) ])

An extract of the log - as you can see the currHum value contains the % :

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2019-10-09 11:55:28.082 [WARN ] [arthome.model.script.MainBathFanRule] - VarInfo PastHum : 95.93
2019-10-09 11:55:28.083 [WARN ] [arthome.model.script.MainBathFanRule] - VarInfo Current : 90.63 %