HTTP Error : 404 Problem accessing /

I’m new to openHAB development. Initially after IDE setup, I had errors in systeminfo binding’s pom.xml for which I used Quick FIx. Now after running the ‘openHAB_Runtime’, on accessing ‘localhost:8080’ I’m getting the following error:-

Problem accessing /. Reason:
ProxyServlet: /

Before running I got a the following message in the ‘Validation’ window :-
The following problems were detected:
Missing Constraint: Import-Package:; version="0.0.0"
Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.hamcrest; version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)"

I’m using Eclipse Neon. I’m finding the configuration part hard. Can somebody help me?? It would be really good if there is tutorial on how to setup IDE in the latest version.

Fixed the issue :
I’m new to openHAB, OSGi etc. This is a fix is for newbies who just want to get started. Using eclipse installer in advanced mode, I selected the Java IDE for Java Developers and clicked Next. Then under Git Projects, I selected only opneHAB Development, and openHAB 2 add-ons (for newbies). Click Finish and wait for Eclipse to start. It will perform the startup task. After the completion just restart eclipse. Not check if target platform initialization stuffs are being done. If it is done, go to debug configuration and in openHAB_Runtime configuration under plugins tab check if ‘Target Platform’ entry is there. If it is not there try restarting eclipse or you can go to WIndow->Preferences->Plug-in Development->Target Platform and uncheck ‘openHab Target Platform’ and then check it. This initiates the target platform initialization stuffs. After that, restart Eclipse again do a ‘Clean’ from ‘Project’ drop down menu. Check if problems are there in ‘Problems’ tab. I had problems with ‘systeminfo’ binding. I closed systeminfo and systeminfo.test projects under the OH Add-ons Folder. Did a ‘Clean’ again. It worked.

Note:- This explanation is for newbies. Correct me if I’m wrong

Despite all my efforts to Perform setup tasks, clean projects, update all sources, I have the same error :
The following problems were detected:
Missing Constraint: Import-Package:; version="0.0.0"

Can someone help me ?

i am having the same issue and when it does run the paperui gives 403 erros on every page so nothing can be accessed