Http URL thing bluesound bluos

Hi readers,

I’m new to openhab and have on windows installed a fresh running version of openhab3 with Zwave and zigbee yeah
But now I’m getting to the point that i’ve to do some customization for bluesound BluOs.

I need to send, fir example, a command to set volume by sending:

How to approach?

I created a thing… but now…?
Best regards,

GET-Request? Add a channel, use commandExtension and set it to Volume?level=%2$s. Link to a Number channel.

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Hi @J-N-K ,

Thank you for your reply. Do you suggest to use the Rest API?
It’s indeed a GET-request.
I thought I should make a http binding using the

Is that a wrong approach?

Best regards,

That’s exactly what I’m proposing. In the UI you have a “Channels” Tab, go there, click on “Add Channel”, select a Number channel, and fill the configuration like I said above.

Hi @J-N-K

Ah, you mean the command URL extension under advanced!
I’ll give it a try, thank you for your time!

Best regards,

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