Hue binding support for Hue Friends

I go in the GUI to Hue Binding and select a discovered Thing and add it as Thing
Than I go in VSC to Things press refresh. Then I go in the items file to the location I want to add the Thing. From the Things menu I press the → button (Create Items from Channels) and they are added to the items file automatically. In this case only

DateTime   HueFSlaapkamerIngangButtonLastUpdated   "Button last updated"   {channel="hue:device:001788fffe639982:7270ad9e-7013-4ac0-91f5-867490ec4e80:button-last-updated"}
DateTime   HueFSlaapkamerIngangLastUpdated         "Last updated"          {channel="hue:device:001788fffe639982:7270ad9e-7013-4ac0-91f5-867490ec4e80:last-updated"}

appeared and I added with your support

String     HueFSlaapkamerIngangTapSwitch           "Tap switch state"      {channel="hue:device:001788fffe639982:7270ad9e-7013-4ac0-91f5-867490ec4e80:button-last-event"}

This is working but still in the Things window of VSC not shown as existing in the items file