Hue Emulation on 2.4

I don’t blame you, :wink:

Navigate with your browser to “http://your-openhab-ip/description.xml” to check the discovery response. Check the IP address in there.

that does not work, so there really is something not working from the openhab site and not alexa not seeing it

Thank you for the link, @sihui. I did not expect to find binding configuration information in the Items section of the documentation.

The default port on which OH listens is 8080, try navigating to http://your-openhab-ip:8080/description.xml

As in openHAB1 the hardware was linked directly through items and not through channels I guess someone put it there :grinning:

Hey, at least I have it bookmarked now, as I’m sure I’ll forget where to find it sometime in the future, :+1:

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I did try http://your-openhab-ip:8080/description.xmlalready
no difference.
I did this also after a reboot.
No difference

But you replaced “your-openhab-ip” with your IP right? If you did: The service is not running for you. Make sure it appears in the “bundle:list” overview in the openhab console.

Because the hue emulation service need to start at the end of the start-up process, it waits for a specific other bundle to be ready. If that never fires on your system, the hue emulation service will also not start. Nevertheless “bundle:list” should list it.

But you replaced “your-openhab-ip” with your IP right?

yes I did, thanks for asking
and thanks for assuming I did.

it waits for a specific other bundle to be ready.

Which one?

Nevertheless “bundle:list” should list it.

it’s not there

I see Eclipse SmartHome hue Binding, yet I assume that’s not it.

Does anyone else have problems getting ColorLighting Tag to work on a Color item?

So the solution is easy: it is not installed :slight_smile: Install it. It is NOT the hue binding. It is the Hue Emulation Service to be found under Misc in Paper UI.

Now I’m even more confused, how did this work before?

As I don’t have paperUI, what is the name of the service I have to tell addons.cfg to install?

Add hueemulation to your comma separated list of misc bindings. Following is the comment+line from /etc/openhab2/services/addons.cfg on my system (running openHABian):

# A comma-separated list of miscellaneous services to install (e.g. "misc = myopenhab")
misc = gcal1,restdocs,hueemulation,ruleengine
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The description.xml does work now.
Alexa can’t find anything. this might be the 8080 to 80 availability.
Will look into that later. At least now I am where I could start searching.

The documentation has a troubleshoot section. If you find anything particular in your home setup, please add it to that section, thanks.

I know that you really want to avoid paper ui at all cost, but you should use it to temporary activate the discover mode. paper UI is not doing anything else then setting the “.cfg” file config value for discovery to true (over simplified). The value auto resets after 60 seconds.

I guess the “B” is a copy / past typo!?

Those 'B’s do look odd, but they are intentional. For the record, I configure my Hue Emulation setup through the PaperUI, those config lines are simply how they appear in that file. Quoting from my original post:

Here are the contents of /var/lib/openhab2/config/org/openhab/hueemulation.config (auto-generated by the Hue Emulation binding) from my system

Alright, thanks.
I am getting closer.
Deactivated IPv6, but stll cannot switch the items (discovery worked so far)