I sort of want to start over

I have made a mess. I have added many of my lights and lighting controller multiple times. I tried deleting some of them, but they seem to want to readd themselves. The mess got started when I had a text file .things and .items file, and I also did the auto discover, so I won’t make that mistake again. I tried deleting the text files, but I still have multiple entries for each thing. Is there an easy way to delete all of my lighting and not mess with the other things I have added, and then I can be more careful about how I add stuff again?

I would say to try first deleting the things text file only (not the Items file), then (Clear the Cache), and then Auto-discover again. You may need to update Thing IDs in the Item configuration file, but you should only have to do that once…

That got rid of a lot of the mess, but some of it is still around. I have a bunch of items in the Paper Items screen, and I can’t edit them and I can’t delete them. There’s a pencil icon, but when I click on it, everything is grayed out. I’ve tried the empty-the-cache dance a few times.

Do you want to keep the managed items (created in PaperUI) or the unmanaged items (created in text file)?

From this…

… it sounds like you want to keep the managed items. Removing the unmanaged items is easy… just remove the items files.

If you want to remove the managed items, like when you’ve added an item into a file but you originally started with Simple Mode enabled and they were auto created for you when the Thing was added, you need to go into Karaf and run…

smarthome:items clear

WARNING! This will remove ALL of your items! Any unmanaged items (the ones in text files) will be removed too, but will come right back. If you are not sure about this, make a backup! Or remove them individually…

smarthome:items list

… will display all items. Then…

smarthome:items remove <itemName>

You can do the same with Things.

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