I want Help with OpenHAB Cloud Integration Issues

Hey everyone,

I have been using OpenHAB for a little while now & started exploring OpenHAB Cloud for remote access & management of my smart devices. I have been facing some issues that I am hoping you can help me troubleshoot.

I have connected my OpenHAB instance to the cloud but when I try to access it remotely, I am getting a timeout error. Also I have double checked my network settings and port forwarding but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else experienced this or have any tips on how to fix it??

Also, since OpenHAB is Java-based, I wonder if there are Java configurations I should be looking into that might affect connectivity? are there any practices for configuring OpenHAB Cloud for security and ensuring that everything is properly encrypted?

Also i have check this HTTPS with Openhab-Cloud: cannot access "/start/index" witch is good still am facing issue.
Thank you…:slight_smile:

You write

I assume you mean the openhabcloud client with UUID an secret.

What does this mean:

What type of port forwarding do you require ?
In case you use the myopenhab.org cloud port forwarding is not required as the pi connects to the cloud using the openhabcloud binding/addon.


is only required if you would like to run your own instance of openhab cloud.

For me it is not clear if you would like to connect to the myopenhab.org cloud instance or if you would like to run your own instance of the openhabcloud.
This makes a big(ger) difference in analyzing and solving the problem.