iCloud device data integration in openHAB

The upgrade should be smooth. There will be detailed instructions and notes on breaking changes in configuration or bindings you need to look out for. Exciting times ^^

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I have installed the icloud-Binding from paper ui and added my apple id as thing like described in the github example.

If I try to add my phone from the inbox I get an error 409
In the log:

2017-12-10 20:02:17.409 [ERROR] [home.core.thing.binding.ThingFactory] - Thing factory (class org.openhab.binding.icloud.internal.BridgeHandlerFactory) returned null on create thing when it reports to support the thing type (icloud:device).
2017-12-10 20:02:17.412 [WARN ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Cannot create thing. No binding found that supports creating a thing of type icloud:device.
2017-12-10 20:03:06.673 [DEBUG] [binding.icloud.handler.BridgeHandler] - iCloud bridge refreshing data ...
2017-12-10 20:03:09.400 [DEBUG] [ing.icloud.discovery.DeviceDiscovery] - iCloud device discovery for [iPhone 7 Plus]
2017-12-10 20:03:09.402 [DEBUG] [ing.icloud.discovery.DeviceDiscovery] - Device [xxx] found.

If I add it via the icloud.things I get a thing for my device but it stays offline.
What are my options to resolve this problem?
Thanks for the help

@Markus92 What version of OH2 do you use? Did you upgrade to a new version of the binding with a previous configuration in place?

with kind regards,

I use OH2.1 release with the 2.2 icloud binding

the configuration with files works for me now
in the paper ui it is not possible to create or add anything

Hi Markus,

sorry for the late reply; I´m quite busy processing the feedback from the code review from the binding :slight_smile: . Unfortunately the binding is only compatible with the upcomming OH 2.2 release; it will not work properly with OH 2.1 anymore.

A short update to all: The code review for the binding is in process and I hope it will make it into the OH 2.2 release. Thanks to all who helped with testing. Some important information: The release version of the binding is a “reduced to the max” version, that does not support address lookup anymore. This funcionality was considered not specific to the binding and might be implemented later in a more generic way to make it available for all coordinates.

Also the “refresh” mechanism will use the standard OH refresh; thus the specific channel will be gone. But a refresh can be triggered by sending a refresh command to a device channel.

with kind regards,

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Hey @patrik_gfeller,
you should also mention, that the address lookup can easily be implemented in a rule for the time being. So no need to be sad about the removal of that function. The rules needed are already available in the first posting of this thread: https://community.openhab.org/t/icloud-device-data-integration-in-openhab/32329/1

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Hi all,

I´m happy to report that the 1st version of the binding was merged to OH 2.2 and will be part of the release :slight_smile:. Once more a big thank to @ThomDietrich, @Kai, @martinvw, @hmerk for their patience and help. Without them the binding would not be possible.

Also many thanks to all who tested early versions of the binding and provided valuable feedback.

I have one small request: Documenting is not my strongest part; thus if you have improvements for the readme that would be beneficial for new users please provide me feedback. Prefered in a form that I can directly use in the document to improve it :slight_smile:.

with kind regards,


Can you provide us the icons for the sitemap?
Is it also possible to set a standard zoom for the map? at the moment i think the view is a bit too high :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if the default widget can do this; but if you use basic ui (not the apps) the following might help you to create your map of dreams:

Unfortunately that does not work in the applications for an unknown reason.
with kind regards,

I am getting a problem calling the distanceFrom method from the PointType class.

My Rule:

rule Sophia_Home_Distance
	Item ICloud_Sophia_Location changed
	Item Home_Coordinates changed
	System started
	logInfo(Sophia_Home_Distance.name, "Current Location: {}", ICloud_Sophia_Location.state.class)
	logInfo(Sophia_Home_Distance.name, "Home Location: {}", Home_Coordinates.state.class)
	var DecimalType distanceType = ICloud_Sophia_Location.state.distanceFrom(Home_Coordinates.state)
	var long km = distanceType.intValue / 1000
	logInfo(Sophia_Home_Distance.name, "Distance: {}", km)

Log Output:

2017-12-19 15:04:45.264 [INFO ] [me.model.script.Sophia_Home_Distance] - Current Location: class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PointType
2017-12-19 15:04:10.773 [INFO ] [me.model.script.Sophia_Home_Distance] - Home Location: class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PointType
2017-12-19 15:04:10.775 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Sophia_Home_Distance': 'distanceFrom' is not a member of 'org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PointType'; line 316, column 35, length 65

Can somebody tell me why this method should not be available? Other peoples are using them as well and in the sourcecode i can see this method.

Kind regards,

Did you overlook the working rule in the first posting here? iCloud device data integration in openHAB
The problem is your use of .state

Correction: it needs an update. @patrik_gfeller are you going to do that?

Here you go:

val PointType location = iPhone_Location.state as PointType
val PointType home = new PointType(new DecimalType(48.123456), new DecimalType(11.123456))
if (location.distanceFrom(home).intValue() < 150) {

You mean this rule:

val Functions$Function4<GenericItem, PointType, String, Number, String> locationDistance= [ Coordinates, place, placeName, distance2 |
	  val PointType location = Coordinates.state as PointType
	  var int distance
	  var String message
	  // my home location
	  distance = location.distanceFrom(place).intValue()
	  if (distance < distance2) {
	    message = (String::format("%s (%dm)", placeName, distance))
	  } else {
	    message = "(unknown location)"
	  return message

But location and place are of PointType and not of LocationItem?

Correct, the function distanceFrom belongs to PointType.

Btw this is kinda funny. Do you live in a trailer? :slight_smile:

OK, but i used PointType already (i thought because of the log output)
When i change the code like this (with this extra ‘cast’)

var DecimalType distanceType = (ICloud_Sophia_Location.state as PointType).distanceFrom(Home_Coordinates.state as PointType)

its working

Took some time why this should be funny, but i got it :wink:
No, but i like it to have some things be configurable (not in rules) and next year i will move.

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My explanation which (without checking) might be wrong: .state will return a generic type. This generic type doesn’t offer the distanceFrom function. If that is the case you can probably leave out the second “as PointType” because it’s implicit.

OK, maybe.
Thanks for helping.

You originally used

var DecimalType distanceType = ICloud_Sophia_Location.state.distanceFrom(Home_Coordinates.state)

where Home_Coordinates is not of Type PointType, so would need to be casted to PointType.

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Hello @patrik_gfeller,

until today I used an older binding from iCloud. It is a fantastic binding for my presence detection, thanks a lot for that.

But today, after updating the openHAB 2.2 from snapshot to the official release, I also wanted to switch to the official icloud binding.
I noticed that some channels were missing in the offical binding to earlier one.

Why are these channels no longer included?

Especially the channel Distance from home I missed, because I would have to rebuild this channel over a rule?

Now I downgraded to the older binding version. :wink: