iCloud Location Rule not working

Hi Guys.
I am new to the whole rule writing thing. so please be gentle. LOL

I have worked off of the iCloud binding documents to get the rule in place but it seems not to work correctly (At all ).

Items File.

String   iPhone_BatteryStatus               "Allen Battery Status [%s]"                              <battery>             (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:batteryStatus"}
Number   iPhone_BatteryLevel                "Allen Battery Level [%d %%]"                            <battery>             (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:batteryLevel"}
Switch   iPhone_FindMyPhone                 "Allen Trigger Find My iPhone"                                                 (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:findMyPhone", autoupdate="false"}
Switch   iPhone_Refresh                     "Allen Force iPhone Refresh"                                                   (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:location", autoupdate="false"}
Location iPhone_Location                    "Allen Coordinates"                                                            (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:location"}
Number   iPhone_LocationAccuracy            "Allen Coordinates Accuracy [%.0f m]"                                          (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:locationAccuracy"}
DateTime iPhone_LocationLastUpdate          "Allen Last Update [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM]"     <time>                (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone6:locationLastUpdate"}
Switch   iPhone_Home                        "Allen Phone Home"                                       <presence>            (Apple)
Switch   iphone_Work                        "Allen Phone Work"                                       <presence>            (Apple)

String   iPhone_BatteryStatus_A             "Aletchia Battery Status [%s]"                           <battery>             (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:batteryStatus"}
Number   iPhone_BatteryLevel_A              "Aletchia Battery Level [%d %%]"                         <battery>             (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:batteryLevel"}
Switch   iPhone_FindMyPhone_A               "Aletchia Trigger Find My iPhone"                                              (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:findMyPhone", autoupdate="false"}
Switch   iPhone_Refresh_A                   "Aletchia Force iPhone Refresh"                                                (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:location", autoupdate="false"}
Location iPhone_Location_A                  "Aletchia Coordinates"                                                         (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:location"}
Number   iPhone_LocationAccuracy_A          "Aletchia Coordinates Accuracy [%.0f m]"                                       (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:locationAccuracy"}
DateTime iPhone_LocationLastUpdate_A        "Aletchia Last Update [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM]"  <time>                (Apple)             {channel="icloud:device:myaccount:myiPhone8:locationLastUpdate"}
Switch   iPhone_Home_A                      "Aletchia Phone Home"                                    <presence>            (Apple)
Switch   iphone_Work_A                      "Aletchia Phone Work"                                       <presence>            (Apple)

Site map.

Frame label="Appel"{
     Text label="Allen" icon="iphone"{
         Default  item=iPhone_BatteryStatus    label="Battery Status [%s]"
         Default item=iPhone_BatteryLevel  label="Battery Level [%d %%]" 
         Default item=iPhone_FindMyPhone  label="Find My Phone"
         Default item=iPhone_Refresh label="Force iPhone Refresh" 
         Default item=iPhone_LocationAccuracy label="Accuracy [%.0f m]"
         Default item=iPhone_LocationLastUpdate label="Last Update [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM]" 
         Default item=iPhone_Home label="Allen Home"
         Default item=iphone_Work label="Allen Work"
         Mapview item=iPhone_Location height=10
     Text label="Aletchia" icon="iphone"{
         Default  item=iPhone_BatteryStatus_A    label="Battery Status [%s]"
         Default item=iPhone_BatteryLevel_A  label="Battery Level [%d %%]" 
         Default item=iPhone_FindMyPhone_A  label="Find My Phone"
         Default item=iPhone_Refresh_A label="Force iPhone Refresh" 
         Default item=iPhone_LocationAccuracy_A label="Accuracy [%.0f m]"
         Default item=iPhone_LocationLastUpdate_A label="Last Update [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM]" 
         Default item=iPhone_Home_A label="Aletchia Home"
         Default item=iphone_Work_A label="Aletchia Work"
         Mapview item=iPhone_Location_A height=10


rule "Allen Home"
    Item iPhone_Location changed
    // specify your home location
    val PointType home_location  = new PointType(new DecimalType(-25.781538), new DecimalType(29.438835))
    val PointType phone_location = iPhone_Location.state as PointType
    val int distance = phone_location.distanceFrom(home_location).intValue()
    // specify your preferred radius (in meters)
    if ( distance < 50) {
        logInfo("iPhone Home", "Allen is at home.")
    } else {
        logInfo("iPhone Home", "Allen is away.")

rule "Aletchia Home"
    Item iPhone_Location_A changed
    // specify your home location
    val PointType home_location  = new PointType(new DecimalType(-25.781538), new DecimalType(29.438835))
    val PointType phone_location_A = iPhone_Location_A.state as PointType
    val int distance = phone_location_A.distanceFrom(home_location).intValue()
    // specify your preferred radius (in meters)
    if ( distance < 50) {
        logInfo("iPhone Home A", "Aletchia is at home.")
    } else {
        logInfo("iPhone Home A", "Aletchia is away.")

rule "Allen Work"
    Item iPhone_Location changed
    // specify your home location
    val PointType work_location  = new PointType(new DecimalType(-25.892756), new DecimalType(29.119740))
    val PointType phone_location = iPhone_Location.state as PointType
    val int distance = phone_location.distanceFrom(work_location).intValue()
    // specify your preferred radius (in meters)
    if ( distance < 50) {
        logInfo("iPhone Work", "Allen is at Work.")
    } else {
        logInfo("iPhone Work", "Allen is away from Work.")

rule "Aletchia Work"
    Item iPhone_Location_A changed
    // specify your home location
    val PointType work_location_A  = new PointType(new DecimalType(-25.781538), new DecimalType(29.492352))
    val PointType phone_location_A = iPhone_Location_A.state as PointType
    val int distance = phone_location_A.distanceFrom(work_location_A).intValue()
    // specify your preferred radius (in meters)
    if ( distance < 50) {
        logInfo("iPhone Work A", "Aletchia is at Work.")
    } else {
        logInfo("iPhone Work A", "Aletchia is away from Work.")

What I do get is a error on viscose. like the following.

	"resource": "/run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=openhab.local,share=openhab-conf/rules/Appel.rules",
	"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#0",
	"code": "org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.validation.IssueCodes.duplicate_type",
	"severity": 8,
	"message": "The type AppelRules is already defined in Appel.rules.",
	"startLineNumber": 1,
	"startColumn": 1,
	"endLineNumber": 1,
	"endColumn": 2544

Then my second point of help is the Mapview on the IOS app. it just shows the pin and gridlines but no map. but if I use the basicUI I get the map with pin.

Help would be appreciated . but if pointed in the right direction I learn more and will be Abel to help others.

Thanks again.

Ok Got it working. my bad I just changed the distance to 100 from 50 and now it works. but still having the warning and also the map view problem.