IDE for configuration and deployment

yeah… and way more… it gives you all the options you don’t know about or think about. it fills everything in, it rocks

Ok, I’m convinced to install Visual Studio/VS Code.

For git. You are using the config folder /etc/openhab2/ as the repository, right? So not a seperate working directory and repository on the Pi?
But then, you cannot revert back, switch between branchs?

Yes I’m using /etc/openhab2/ as repo.
Why would I not be able to revert back / switch branches? With git only the files for the currently active branch (head) are in the folder structure. Means if I have a branch testing and a branch productive I could switch to the branch testing, do some development, test that my openHAB installation is running fine with my changes, merge the changes back into the branch productive and switch back to said branch…
Or my changes are bullshit and I revert back to the last working check in…