IHC rollershutter item definition

Thank you so much, valuable info! Playing with.
I’ll let you know how it works out! Or if I could use additional assistance :slight_smile:

have you tested?

I got it working but I had to make some adjustments … Maybe you can point out if it good or not?

I changed to update rule to be triggered on a change in the status, rather then on a command. If I do it the way you wrote, it gets an 0 or 100 update and that’s it. When I trigger it on change of the status, it updates nicely every time IHC posts a new status (%).
I therefor also made the item autoupdate=false, so I would not read the IHC value, but wait for the status to be updated.

Thank you again for this great work! Looking forward to your feedback.

I had one issue, which has been solved with the rule. When I trigger one up/down command by default I receive one status update of 100% / 0% which I don’t understand the origin of this update. The stop command is to force the update of the status when I press the stop button in openhab. Post your rule to test it!


This is what I’m using right now:

rule "Update status of Living Rollershutter"
                Item Rollershutter_living_status received update
                var Number state = Rollershutter_living_status.state as DecimalType

While the shutter is movingm IHC constantly updates the status based on the 10% value. So every time we receive an update on the value, we set it to the RollerShutter item, which we made autoupdate=“fasle”

Rollershutter   Rollershutter_living        "Rollershutter"                         (groupLiving, groupRollershutters) {ihc=">[UP:0x5c4211:100],>[DOWN:0x5c4311:100],>[STOP:0x5c4411:100]",autoupdate="false"}

I hope this can have some added value for you?

I use this together with Rotini as an UI, which gives me something like this, with the percentage nicely updating along the way.

Kind regards,