Ikea Ormanas LED Strip with deCONZ

I struggle to control color temperature of Ikea Ormanäs LED strip L2112 with deCONZ binding and Conbee II. The thing is properly reconized and provides these channels:

UID: deconz:extendedcolorlight:12d7f341e5:94b216fffe79897e01
label: LEDStrip_1
thingTypeUID: deconz:extendedcolorlight
  lastSeenPolling: 1440
  id: "9"
  colormode: xy
bridgeUID: deconz:deconz:12d7f341e5
  - id: color
    channelTypeUID: system:color
    label: Farbe
    description: Steuert die Farbe, die Helligkeit und schaltet das Licht ein und aus.
    configuration: {}
  - id: color_temperature
    channelTypeUID: system:color-temperature-abs
    label: Farbtemperatur
    description: Steuert die Farbtemperatur des Lichts (in Kelvin).
    configuration: {}
  - id: ontime
    channelTypeUID: deconz:ontime
    label: Dauer
    description: Steuert die Dauer, welche die Lampe eingeschaltet bleibt, bevor sie
      automatisch ausgeschaltet wird (0=für immer an).
    configuration: {}
  - id: alert
    channelTypeUID: deconz:alert
    label: Alert
    configuration: {}
  - id: effect
    channelTypeUID: deconz:effect
    label: Farbeffekt
    configuration: {}
  - id: last_seen
    channelTypeUID: deconz:last_seen
    label: Zuletzt Gesehen
    description: Zeigt die Zeit an, zu der dieser Sensor zuletzt gesehen wurde.
    configuration: {}

However, by adjusting color_temperature following warning is shown and the light does not change:

10:18:03.199 INFO openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent Item ‘LEDStrip_1_Farbtemperatur’ received command 2800
10:18:03.201 INFO openhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent Item ‘LEDStrip_1_Farbtemperatur’ predicted to become 2800
10:18:03.204 INFO openhab.event.ItemStateUpdatedEvent Item ‘LEDStrip_1_Farbtemperatur’ updated to 2800 K
10:18:03.205 INFO openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent Item ‘LEDStrip_1_Farbtemperatur’ changed from 3154 K to 2800 K
10:18:03.210 WARN org.openhab.binding.deconz.internal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler Sending command 2800 K to channel deconz:extendedcolorlight:12d7f341e5:94b216fffe79897e01:color_temperature failed: 400 - [{error:{address:/lights/9/state,description:body contains invalid JSON,type:2}}]

In Phoscon app I’m able to adjust it successfully and value is updated in OH.
Any advice is highly appreciated also how to dig more into it as it may look like a small issue with invalid JSON format.

Versions used:
Phoscon Gateway Version 2.28.1 / Firmware 26720700
openHAB 4.3.0