IKEA Trådfri Gateway


I’ve just set up the hub and some bulbs with the binding and perhaps I’m missing something.
I have 4 bulbs all on one channel in openhab, e.g.

Dimmer All_Brightness { channel="tradfri:0220:tradfrihub:bulb1:brightness,tradfri:0220:tradfrihub:bulb2:brightness,tradfri:0220:tradfrihub:bulb3:brightness" }

but when triggered they seem to turn on one at once over the course of a few seconds. Is this normal? Are others seeing this or is my Tradfri hub slow? Or have I missed a “delay” setting somewhere?


UPDATE: 24 hours later and it has fixed itself! Strange. All perfectly in sync now.
Hopefully this helps others if you notice the same.

My experience also:
(Since I wrote this, the Deconz binding now supports groups nativly.)

I would like to use the LED Light SKYDRAG which require the TRADFRI Driver.
Does anybody know if this will be recognized as “dimmable bulb” or if it works with the binding at all?


It shows as a dimmable light in OH.
You get brightness control.

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Does everything work for all of you with latest release - I can’t “set” values on bulbs.