Ikea Tradfri rollerbind control not showing button presses

Dear all,

I have a few rollerblinds from Ikea and got a Tradfri rollerbind control with it (“dimmer control”):

The rollerblinds work fine via the zigbee binding, but the control button does not.

Some info about the device:

openhab> zigbee read 62838/1 25
Reading endpoint F576/1, cluster client cluster Ota Upgrade (0019), attributes Upgrade Server ID, File Offset, Current File Version, Image Upgrade Status, Manufacturer ID, Image Type ID
Response for cluster 0x0019
Attribute    0  Upgrade Server ID                                   IEEE_ADDRESS                    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Attribute    1  File Offset                                         UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER         -1
Attribute    2  Current File Version                                UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER         570492465
Attribute    6  Image Upgrade Status                                ENUMERATION_8_BIT               0
Attribute    7  Manufacturer ID                                     UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         4476
Attribute    8  Image Type ID                                       UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER         4549

openhab> zigbee cmdsupported 62838/1 1
Supported generated commands for server cluster Power Configuration (0001)
CommandId  Command

Supported received commands for server cluster Power Configuration (0001)
CommandId  Command

openhab> zigbee bindtable 62838
Binding table for node 62838 [804B50FFFE58B5E2]
Src Address          | Dest Address         | Group | Mode    | Cluster
804B50FFFE58B5E2/1   | 000D6F000DBF6A85/1   |       | Address | 0001:POWER_CONFIGURATION
804B50FFFE58B5E2/1   | 000D6F000DBF6A85/1   |       | Address | 0006:ON_OFF
804B50FFFE58B5E2/1   | 000D6F000DBF6A85/1   |       | Address | 0008:LEVEL_CONTROL
openhab> zigbee cmdsupported 62838/1 6
Supported generated commands for client cluster On/Off (0006)
CommandId  Command
       0  OffCommand
       1  OnCommand
       2  ToggleCommand

Supported received commands for client cluster On/Off (0006)
CommandId  Command

openhab> zigbee cmdsupported 62838/1 8
Supported generated commands for client cluster Level Control (0008)
CommandId  Command
       0  MoveToLevelCommand
       1  MoveCommand
       2  StepCommand
       3  StopCommand
       4  MoveToLevelWithOnOffCommand
       5  MoveWithOnOffCommand
       6  StepWithOnOffCommand
       7  StopWithOnOffCommand

Supported received commands for client cluster Level Control (0008)
CommandId  Command

If I look in the thing configuration it only lists these channels:

The “Window_convering_controller: Level Control” is always “NULL”. I do see the battery level and volts.

Seems like maybe it is not conforming to standard zigbee clusters (see e.g. Zigbee Profile ID List-Public Profile IDs,Zigbee Device IDs (rfwireless-world.com))

Is there a way to manually couple the zigbee device clusters to channels or items?



Anybody has any idea?

I thought that these buttons were used to directly control the devices? If so, this is not something the binding gets involved with. It looks like it’s a standard device from the information you’ve provided and the binding should handle all commands listed, but without seeing logs of what’s received (if anything) it’s hard to comment on what is wrong.

What are you expecting to see? ie what do you think is missing as to me this looks fine.

I’m not sure what you want to “couple” - first you need to understand the problem before you can discuss a solution. I’m personally not able to say what the problem is yet based on what you’ve provided here, but maybe you have some more information on what needs to be changed?

I’ve updated the tags on this post so that people can see that it’s a zigbee binding topic and not an Ikea binding. This will hopefully raise it to different people :slight_smile:

ok thx :slight_smile:

Well without a gateway you have to couple the repeater to the rollerblind and button to the repeater. I guess the repeater is then the coordinator… Not sure how that works if you do have a gateway.

But what I did was just include it in the network I have. So I thought I would be able to read out when a button was pressed, and do whatever I want with the signal. But like I said that channel just remains “NULL”

Which logs exactly? I do not see anything with the current log level.
The events.log does not show anything as the device never gets updated.


The debug logs - you should be able to see the data received etc. If you’re not familiar with this, then please read the binding docs as there is a section at the bottom that describes logging.

2022-01-31 23:07:53.915 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: TX EZSP queue size: 1
2022-01-31 23:07:53.917 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=C3 00 18]
2022-01-31 23:07:53.924 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=2, ackNum=4, reTx=false, data=C3 80 18 02]
2022-01-31 23:07:53.944 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH: Frame acked and removed AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=C3 00 18]
2022-01-31 23:07:53.946 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH took EZSP frame from receive queue. Queue length 0
2022-01-31 23:07:53.948 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - ASH added EZSP frame to receive queue. Queue length 0
2022-01-31 23:07:53.949 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=3, notRdy=false]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.604 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0102, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=DA], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=-58, sender=F576, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=01 1A 00]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.607 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=F576/1, destinationAddress=0000/1, profile=0104, cluster=0102, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=false, apsCounter=DA, rssi=-58, lqi=FF, payload=01 1A 00]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.610 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: Node update. NWK Address=F576
2022-01-31 23:08:19.612 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: Node F576 is not updated
2022-01-31 23:08:19.615 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX ZCL: ZclHeader [frameType=CLUSTER_SPECIFIC_COMMAND, manufacturerSpecific=false, direction=CLIENT_TO_SERVER, disableDefaultResponse=false, manufacturerCode=0, sequenceNumber=26, commandId=0]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.617 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Unsupported local server cluster 0102
2022-01-31 23:08:19.619 [DEBUG] [e.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionQueue] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: Added transaction to queue, len=1, transaction=ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=804B50FFFE58B5E2 queueTime=0, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1A, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.621 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction Manager: Send Next transaction. outstandingTransactions=0, outstandingQueues=1, sleepy=0/3
2022-01-31 23:08:19.623 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - F576/1: Sending ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=804B50FFFE58B5E2 queueTime=5, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1A, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.625 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - transactionListenerAdded: 1 outstanding
2022-01-31 23:08:19.627 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1A, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.628 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX ZCL: ZclHeader [frameType=ENTIRE_PROFILE_COMMAND, manufacturerSpecific=false, direction=SERVER_TO_CLIENT, disableDefaultResponse=true, manufacturerCode=0, sequenceNumber=26, commandId=11]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.630 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0000/1, destinationAddress=F576/1, profile=0104, cluster=0102, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=8, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=true, apsCounter=68, rssi=--, lqi=--, payload=18 1A 0B 00 01]
2022-01-31 23:08:19.632 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Incoming message from node F576 did not translate to command
2022-01-31 23:08:19.643 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [networkId=0, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=70]
2022-01-31 23:08:20.646 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=F576, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0102, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY], groupId=0, sequence=70], messageTag=1A, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2022-01-31 23:08:20.647 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX STA: msgTag=1A state=RX_ACK
2022-01-31 23:08:20.652 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - notifyTransactionProgress: TID=1A, state=RX_ACK, outstanding=1
2022-01-31 23:08:20.655 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction complete: ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=804B50FFFE58B5E2 queueTime=1037, state=COMPLETE, sendCnt=1, command=DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1A, commandIdentifier=0, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2022-01-31 23:08:20.657 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - transactionListenerRemoved: 0 outstanding
2022-01-31 23:08:20.658 [DEBUG] [e.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionQueue] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: transactionComplete, state=COMPLETE, outstanding=0
2022-01-31 23:08:20.660 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction Manager: Send Next transaction. outstandingTransactions=0, outstandingQueues=0, sleepy=0/3
2022-01-31 23:08:20.662 [DEBUG] [zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransaction] - Transaction state changed: nwk=F576, TID=1A, event=RX_ACK, state=COMPLETE
2022-01-31 23:08:34.880 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0102, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=DB], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=-58, sender=F576, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=01 1B 01]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.883 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=F576/1, destinationAddress=0000/1, profile=0104, cluster=0102, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=0, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=false, apsCounter=DB, rssi=-58, lqi=FF, payload=01 1B 01]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.886 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: Node update. NWK Address=F576
2022-01-31 23:08:34.888 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: Node F576 is not updated
2022-01-31 23:08:34.891 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX ZCL: ZclHeader [frameType=CLUSTER_SPECIFIC_COMMAND, manufacturerSpecific=false, direction=CLIENT_TO_SERVER, disableDefaultResponse=false, manufacturerCode=0, sequenceNumber=27, commandId=1]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.893 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Unsupported local server cluster 0102
2022-01-31 23:08:34.896 [DEBUG] [e.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionQueue] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: Added transaction to queue, len=1, transaction=ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=804B50FFFE58B5E2 queueTime=0, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1B, commandIdentifier=1, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.898 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction Manager: Send Next transaction. outstandingTransactions=0, outstandingQueues=1, sleepy=0/3
2022-01-31 23:08:34.901 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - F576/1: Sending ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=804B50FFFE58B5E2 queueTime=5, state=WAITING, sendCnt=0, command=DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1B, commandIdentifier=1, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.902 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - transactionListenerAdded: 1 outstanding
2022-01-31 23:08:34.903 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1B, commandIdentifier=1, statusCode=FAILURE]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.905 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX ZCL: ZclHeader [frameType=ENTIRE_PROFILE_COMMAND, manufacturerSpecific=false, direction=SERVER_TO_CLIENT, disableDefaultResponse=true, manufacturerCode=0, sequenceNumber=27, commandId=11]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.906 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0000/1, destinationAddress=F576/1, profile=0104, cluster=0102, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=8, apsSecurity=false, ackRequest=true, apsCounter=69, rssi=--, lqi=--, payload=18 1B 0B 01 01]
2022-01-31 23:08:34.908 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Incoming message from node F576 did not translate to command
2022-01-31 23:08:34.918 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [networkId=0, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=71]
2022-01-31 23:08:35.916 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [networkId=0, type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=F576, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0104, clusterId=0102, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=1, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY], groupId=0, sequence=71], messageTag=1B, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2022-01-31 23:08:35.919 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX STA: msgTag=1B state=RX_ACK
2022-01-31 23:08:35.921 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - notifyTransactionProgress: TID=1B, state=RX_ACK, outstanding=1
2022-01-31 23:08:35.924 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction complete: ZigBeeTransaction [ieeeAddress=804B50FFFE58B5E2 queueTime=1028, state=COMPLETE, sendCnt=1, command=DefaultResponse [Window Covering: 0000/0 -> F576/1, cluster=0102, TID=1B, commandIdentifier=1, statusCode=FAILURE]]
2022-01-31 23:08:35.925 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - transactionListenerRemoved: 0 outstanding
2022-01-31 23:08:35.928 [DEBUG] [e.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionQueue] - 804B50FFFE58B5E2: transactionComplete, state=COMPLETE, outstanding=0
2022-01-31 23:08:35.929 [DEBUG] [transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager] - Transaction Manager: Send Next transaction. outstandingTransactions=0, outstandingQueues=0, sleepy=0/3
2022-01-31 23:08:35.931 [DEBUG] [zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransaction] - Transaction state changed: nwk=F576, TID=1B, event=RX_ACK, state=COMPLETE

I pressed the button twice in this timeframe.
“unsupported server cluster 0102” I guess the button is trying to send out a dimmer command to cluster 0102? But the controller is not understanding that message. Hence my question above how do i manually bind channels to these zigbee clustersm, as apparantly the automatic determination is not working (likely because it is not conforming to standards)

It’s not related to dimmer commands - the issue is that the device is sending window covering commands from a client and this isn’t something the binding supports at the moment.

I’d suggest to raise this as an enhancement request and I will try and take a look when I get some time.

Ok thx for the diagnoses!
I have no idea how to raise an enhancement request…