Increase dimmer light

I’m running OH3.2 on a pi2 and I have a few Nanoleaves set up. Now I want to use an IKEA remote (connected and working) to dim the light. But in my rules I cannot get my head around how I read the current state and add 5 to it before passing it back to the item.

The item is called Nanoleafsovevaerelse and the dimmer channel is Nanoleafsovevaerelse_Dimmer.

I have tried to use INCREASE but that doenst do much. If I just put a number - say 5 - it reduces the dimmer to 5.

What am I missing here?

You don’t say what language. There is a section in the Rules docs about Using Item States in rules with a specific section showing Dimmer Items in specific.

Up untill now I’ve just used the GUI for my rules - and I don’t seem to get those snippets from the documentation to work out :confused:

You’ll need to create a Script Action. The basic UI rules are just that, basic. Anything more than super simple and you’ll have to use a Script Action.