Influx db error: Re-queuing x elements, failed to write batch, cache-max-memory-size exceeded

I once fell into the same trap. I think I had created an item before with type Number and then just changed it to String later. I am not eager to try that now on my system atm :wink: but this could be a way to reproduce it …

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I’ve rebooted and so far no recurrence of the influxdb errors for me, so it seems all I had to do was set debug on and then off again in the influx perrsistence settings in OpenHab, possibly some corrupted config got corrected by a change of config or something, it’s too late to find out now.

Exactly like this, in my case I created this item as String type and switched later on to Number

Hi. since a while I have the same issue.
In december, suddenly influxd stopped to work. After a lot of trying and cursing, I bought a new SD card, and did a fresh install. Everything was up and running on tuesday.
Friday, influx stopped again. Error in Openhab
[DEBUG] [rnal.influx1.InfluxDB1RepositoryImpl] - Writing to database failed
org.influxdb.InfluxDBException$CacheMaxMemorySizeExceededException: engine: cache-max-memory-size exceeded

All of the above didn’t help me :frowning: