InfluxDB addon settings not saved/store - lost after restart

Hello, im am running an openhabian on raspberry 5 (4.2.3) fresh install and restored from my former ubuntu server (4.1.x) with:

  • influx (1.8)
  • grafana
  • zram (latest version)

This all works so far, but every time I restart openhab or the raspberry, my addon setting for influxDB persistance (Version 4.2.3) changes back to the former settings. This is especially annoying as the database-URL changes back. The persitance files (*.persist) based on my defined strategies work, once I update database-URL again… until the next restart of openhab.

I’m guessing and tried for a few days:

  • a ZRAM issue (activated ZRAM in openhabian-config, unistalled, reinstalled, started again)
  • user rights not well set (executed #14 “fix permissions” in openhabian-config already)

Now I am a little lost. Has anyone an other idea?

If you stop zram normally, it should flush it’s contents to the SD card. So when you restart you are using the shutdown or reboot command and not just pulling the power, right?

I’m pretty sure the influxdb config gets saved to $OH_USERDATA/config/org/openhab/influxdb.config. You can look and see if there is anything funny about that file.

Any file that you see in the config/org/openhab folder can be copied to $OH_CONF/services (replace the config extension with cfg) and manage these settings through config files as opposed to through the UI. Since you are using .persist files that might be an attractive option.

It does seem like a ZRAM issue or a failing SD card, The latter seems very unlikely give you are just now setting this up.

Rich, you made my day! Copied the file over, restarted openhab and the UI kept the former configuration. Thanks.

For my understanding: Do I need to maintain the $OH_CONF/services/influxdb.cfg from now on and the UI is obsolete? Or will the UI write into the influxdb.cfg from now on?

Files always take precidence. You must maintain the cfg file from now on. Any change you make through the UI will become revertted to whats in that config file from now on.