InfluxDB Error "field type conflict: input field value on measurement is type integer, already exists as type float dropped=1"

Does anybody have a solution for this issue with influxdb 2? I have no clue how to use the flux script to achieve this and don’t intend to spend days figuring out how to do that…

I don’t mind if the data of the measurement gets lost in the progress, all I want is to get rid of the annoying exceptions in my log file :frowning:

EDIT: For later reference or others that might need this. I deleted the measurement from the command line like so:

influx delete --bucket "openhab" --predicate '_measurement="thermostat_diningroom_lastmessage"' -o openhab --start '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' --stop '2025-12-31T23:59:00Z';

Where thermostat_diningroom_lastmessage is my item name and openhab is my organisation.

I had to config the default influxdb instance before I could do that:

influx config create --config-name default --host-url http://localhost:8086 --org openhab   --username-password openhab --active

influxdb cli will ask you for your password when you execute the influx delete command.

The measurement immediately got recreated with the correct type after deleting the old one. Log is clean. I am happy :slight_smile: