Install Bindings from GUI or addons.cfg?

I read you can install bindings using the OpenHAB gui, or putting a comma separated list in the addons.cfg file and it will auto install the bindings on reboot and remove any not in that list. Are there any pros or cons to installing the bindings either way?



The problem is, you cannot change from one to the other solution. I’m not sure if there will be an addons.cfg file in a future OH3 because of that flaw.


Agree. Config files have precedence. For example it took me a while to figure out why my openhab cloud connector keeps pointing to after reboot and not to my own instance. Well, I had set it to point to my instance through PaperUI, but the config file in services folder still points to so every time it reboots, it reverts back

Thanks folks. I was thinking the everything manual route because you had more visibility to all your settings in one place was the better way to go, but will stick with bindings and things thru the GUI and items, sitemaps, rules, etc thru the config files.
