Installing Java 8 on Windows and z-wave questions

Actually it is contained in the binding. As I stated I did not make any functional changes, just the documentation.

Hello again Bruce
Had a knee replacement and no time to continue with my Zwave connecting.

I have successfully added the Z-Wave Node 005: ZW078 Heavy Duty Switch to my inbox. The problems was that I held the pair button too long.

I have two other things I don’t understand.

  1. My Z-Wave Serial Controller zooz zst10 is off line. The z wave controller is on line.
    2 I followed the new openhab instructions and changed the JAVA_HOME from c:\program files\Zulu\zulu-8 to c:\program files\java\jfk1.8.0_251
    Everything seems to work.

Thanks for your help.

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