Integration of Eltako actuator FSB64

Dear all,

I have been using OpenHab2 for a couple of months, mainly to control my existing Eltako rollershutter actuators (FSB14) using the EnOcean binding. Everything works great so far. Thanks for the awesome work to all contributors!

Now I heard that Eltako recently announced the new rollershutter actuator FSB64NP/110-240V, which will be available for sale soon. This actuator not only supports EnOcean, but also WiFi and bluetooth, and is Apple HomeKit certified. Since I will need an additional rollershutter actuator for an awning soon, I am wondering if I could integrate the FSB64 into OH. Obviously, I could do this using the EnOcean binding.

But is it also possible to integrate it using WiFi? Does the HomeKit certification allow me to integrate it using an existing binding? I know that there is an OH HomeKit addon. But as I understand this addon does not provide access to HomeKit actuators/sensors, but exposes OH as a HomeKit bridge to the Apple Home app.

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice.
