Hi @omegacore ,
There’s no binding for that specific task, but you have a great step-by-step tutorial written by Thomas @ThomDietrich regarding speedtest-cli
Below you’ll find a complete solution on integrating the internet connection bandwidth speed test from Speedtest.net in your OpenHAB setup. This is accomplished by using the speedtest-cli script, which you have to provide on your system.
Version Info: The guide was updated for openHAB 2.0 but should work on other versions as well.
execute speed test once or twice a day, every hour or upon command
show summarized results on the sitemap
show all results on an extra page after cl…
For charting you might want to take a look at InfluxDB and Grafana integration:
Store your openHAB item states in an InfluxDB time-series datastore and create highly customizable diagrams with Grafana . These diagrams can in return be included in your sitemap as images.
Following this guide, you will install InfluxDB and Grafana, make openHAB store data in an InfluxDB database, make Grafana fetch data from the InfluxDB database and draw diagrams. Finally you can include these diagrams in your openHAB sitemap.
Table of Content
Starting Point
InfluxDB Installation…