Intruder alarm

Hey guys,

this is the intruder part of this thread: Time of Sunrise/Sunset - to make it easier for anybody to search for it and implement it too.

The goal is to have an invasion alarm:

rule "Break-In Alarm"
		Item Alarm_Invasion received update ON
		sendCommand(GroupLight, 100) //Turn on all Lights
			logInfo("Invasion-Alarm","Invasion alarm - turning all Lights on")
		// send notifications
		sendTelegram("BotGroup", "Intruder alarm was triggered!!!")
		//play sounds?

One of the problems I do have is to have the alarm triggered, when the status of an item in the group “GroupDetectorImportant” changes. Dont know if the following could work:

rule "Invasion Detection"
		Item GroupDetectorImportant received update
		if (Away_Status == ON) {
			sendCommand(Alarm_Invasion, ON)
				logInfo("InvasionDetection","Sensor changed, Away Status is On - ALARM!!!")
		if (Sleeping_Status == ON) {
			sendCommand(Alarm_Invasion, ON)
				logInfo("InvasionDetection","Sensor changed, Sleeping Status is On - ALARM!!!")
		if (Away_Status_Smart == ON) {
			sendTelegram("BotGroup", "Invasion alarm - no smartphones are online; are you home?")
				logInfo("InvasionDetection","Sensor changed, Smart Away Status is On - sending notification!")
		else {
				logInfo("InvasionDetection","Sensor changed, but nothing to do")

Would be nice if I could answer on that telegram-message to finally trigger the alarm or not. But I could not find anything to read out these messages.

Next thing is a sleep detection:

rule "Sleep Detection"
		Item GroupLight received update OFF
		if (NightState == ON) {
			sendCommand(Sleeping_Status, ON)
				logInfo("Sleep Detection","It is nighttime - switching sleep status")
		else {
				logInfo("Sleep Detection","It is daytime - no sleep detection")

This does not work - it does not trigger with all lights off and the nightstate being on… Dont know why. I just want the Sleeping_Status to be on when all lights are off and the nightstate is on.

Here is also the nightstate (found it in the wiki (at least I think so)):

rule "Update NightState"
    Item SunElevation changed
    if(SunElevation.state >  15){
        if(NightState.state != OFF) {
        	postUpdate(NightState, OFF)
    else {
        if(NightState.state != ON) { 
        	postUpdate(NightState, ON)

This is to automatically switch the Sleeping_Status off. Probably I have to integrate a timer here to turn that status off after 1 minute or so:

rule "Wake Up Detection"
		Item GroupLight received update ON
		sendCommand(Sleeping_Status, OFF)
			logInfo("Wake Up Detection","It is nighttime - switching sleep status")

And here is an away detection over smartphones, but I am still very unsure about it. So I just want to use it as backup and only send a telegram-message. I also built a timer in there to check if somebody is really away and not only taking the bin down or so:

var Timer AwayDetectionTimer = null

rule "Away Detection"
		Item SmartphoneAndy received update or
		Item SmartphoneJessy received update
		if (SmartphoneAndy == OFF && SmartphoneJessy == OFF) {
			AwayDetectionTimer = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(600)) [|
				if (SmartphoneAndy == OFF && SmartphoneJessy == OFF) {
					sendCommand(Away_Status_Smart, ON)
				else {
		if (SmartphoneAndy == ON || SmartphoneJessy == ON) {
			if (Away_Status_Smart == ON) {
				sendCommand(Away_Status_Smart, OFF)
			else {

Later I also want to add a timer to trigger the alarm (want the basics working first) and so on. The idea is a keypad in HABpanel to deactivate the away-status and also it does not make sense to activate the alarm instantly after a sensor changed. It would also trigger if you open the maindoor - no time to deactivate the status then.

Also I do think it makes sense to have the sleeping status only trigger the alarm instant at the windows, because you could also come home late.

Thank you very much in advance!


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I get some of it working now, I want to share the code here.

Sleep Detection and Wake Up Detection; Sleeping Status turns on, when no lights are on and the Night State is on, it turns off with 5 seconds delay after a light turned on:

rule "Sleep Detection + Wake Up Detection"
		Item GroupLight changed
		if (GroupLight.state == 0) {
			if (NightState.state == ON && Sleeping_Status.state != ON) {
				sendCommand(Sleeping_Status, ON)
					logInfo("Sleep Detection","It is nighttime - switching sleep status")
			else {
				if (NightState.state == OFF) {
					logInfo("Sleep Detection","It is daytime - no sleep detection")
				if (Sleeping_Status.state == ON) {
					logInfo("Sleep Detection","Sleeping-Status is already on")
		if (GroupLight.state != 0) {
			if (Sleeping_Status.state != OFF) {
				sendCommand(Sleeping_Status, OFF)
					logInfo("Wake Up Detection","Light turned on - wake up detected")
			else {
					logInfo("Wake Up Detection","Sleeping Status is already off, nothing to do")

It is triggered many times at once, guess I need to build a timer in there to not have that behavior:

07:35:54.487 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - kitchen_light_ceiling3 changed from 100 to 0
07:35:54.491 [INFO ] [ome.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - GroupKitchenLightCeiling changed from 100 to 0 through kitchen_light_ceiling3
07:35:54.494 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - kitchen_light_ceiling1 changed from 100 to 0
07:35:54.498 [INFO ] [ome.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - GroupKitchenLight changed from 100 to 0 through GroupKitchenLightCeiling
07:35:54.560 [INFO ] [thome.model.script.Wake Up Detection] - Sleeping Status is already off, nothing to do
07:35:54.567 [INFO ] [thome.model.script.Wake Up Detection] - Sleeping Status is already off, nothing to do
07:35:54.573 [INFO ] [thome.model.script.Wake Up Detection] - Sleeping Status is already off, nothing to do
07:35:54.578 [INFO ] [thome.model.script.Wake Up Detection] - Sleeping Status is already off, nothing to do

I got one of my two Xiaomi gateways in the hall right next to the door, so I thought that it is fancy to integrate a “alarm-light” there:

rule "Alarm Status Light"
		Item Away_Status changed or
		Item Sleeping_Status changed
		if (Away_Status.state == ON) {
			sendCommand(Gateway_Brightness, 20)
			sendCommand(Gateway_Color, "358,100,100")
				logInfo("Away Status Light","Away Status turned on - turning light on")
			if (Sleeping_Status.state == OFF) {	
				sendCommand(Gateway_SoundVolume, 5)
				sendCommand(Gateway_Sound, 3)
				sendCommand(Gateway_Sound, 10000)		
		if (Sleeping_Status.state == ON) {
			sendCommand(Gateway_Brightness, 3)
			sendCommand(Gateway_Color, "358,100,100")
				logInfo("Away Status Light","Sleeping Status turned on - turning light on")
		else {
			sendCommand(Gateway_Brightness , 0)
			sendCommand(Gateway_Color, "0,0,0")
				logInfo("Away Status Light","Away Status turned off - turning light off")

Last I added a “away-button” right next to the front door, which also helps when you come home late and need to deactivate the detection with the Sleeping Status:

rule "Away Button"
		Channel "XXX:button" triggered
		var actionName = receivedEvent.getEvent()
		switch(actionName) {
			case "SHORT_PRESSED": {
				if (Away_Status.state != OFF) {
					sendCommand(Away_Status, OFF)
						logInfo("Away Button","Button pressed & Status is on - turning off")
				else {
					sendCommand(Away_Status, ON)
						logInfo("Away Button","Button pressed & Status is off - turning on")
			case "DOUBLE_PRESSED": {
				//Turn off the alarm, while the alarm-timer is still active, after front door opened

Next I will work on the sensor detection of “GroupDetectorImportant” and the Timer in the Sleep-/Wake Up-Detection to not have it activated all the time.

I hope my little attempt here is doing okay :slight_smile:


I ran into a problem. I have all my important (windows/doors to outside) in a group together - “GroupDetectorImportant”.

The state of that group is always “Null”. For example is the state of “office_det_window_Status” “CLOSED” or “OPEN”.

I tried the following rule as test:

rule "Invasion Test"
		Item GroupDetectorImportant received update OPEN
		logInfo("InvastionTest","Group received update")

But yeah it is not working, because that Group seems to never receive an update; my item:

Group						GroupDetectorImportant

//-> Detector
//Window - Xiaomi Window Switch
Contact		office_det_window_Status				"[MAP(]"				<window>				(GroupOfficeDetector,GroupDetectorImportant)									{channel="mihome:sensor_magnet:158d00019df1c5:isOpen"}
Number		office_det_window_AlarmTimer														<clock>																									{channel="mihome:sensor_magnet:158d00019df1c5:isOpenAlarmTimer"}
DateTime	office_det_window_LastOpened			"[%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY  %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]"	<clock-on>																								{channel="mihome:sensor_magnet:158d00019df1c5:lastOpened"}
Number		office_det_window_Battery				"Batteriestand"								<battery>				(Battery)																		{channel="mihome:sensor_magnet:158d00019df1c5:batteryLevel"}
Switch		office_det_window_BatteryLow			"Niedrige Batterie"							<energy>																								{channel="mihome:sensor_magnet:158d00019df1c5:lowBattery"}

Is that mapping maybe a problem?..

Hey DaAndy,

This is a very old thread I know but did you get it working? I’m trying to create something similar myself

You need to do something like this:

rule "LastUpdate time"
        Member of gLastUpdate received update or
        Member of gLastUpdate changed or
        Member of gZigbee changed 
        postUpdate("_LastUpdate", now.toString)

You need to see if the member of the group gets the change or update not see if the group gets the update or change (because that will never happen)

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Well, it can, but it depends hows the Group is configured; you’d need to specify an aggregation function. e.g. to detect any Contact changing to OPEN when all were CLOSED (useful for alarms) you could have Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSE).
'Member of' triggers are generally more useful,but weren’t available 4 years ago